The Gang

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Each drop of water felt refreshing. You closed your eyes and enjoy the hot shower much needed after a night of ahem, adventure with Bee. It did feel like an adventure, trying out new positions and whatnot. You sprayed your face with the shower head. Wake up already! You couldn't. You shouldn't actually blame yourself - Bee was the main problem, being all hot and charming. He used his newly restored voice so, very well. You remembered him asking things like "Do you like it this way, sweetheart?", or "Tell me what you want, Mia", or "Good girl" when you took his... You found yourself already starting feeling your now very warm skin and immediately switched the shower to cold. 

You didn't sleep much last night, as much as Bee didn't recharge a lot either. With this new habit forming, you moved a portable bed into the garage. It looked like you would rarely use your own bed anymore.

Today, after class, Bee was going to take you to the Autobots base. He insisted that you tag along, him being worried about your safety too much to let you be on your own. He even parked at college patiently waiting for you to finish the class. Possessive much? You shook your head and suppressed a smile while sitting in the classroom. Across the room you could see a familiar face. Brent. Seeing you made him cower, and he chose to skip class. 


"Hi honey," you greeted Bumblebee as you returned from class to his alt mode, a very eye-catching yellow Camaro in the college parking lot. You received a lot of stares and whispers, you even heard once some girls rumored that you had a mysterious boyfriend picking you up with the eccentric muscle car. Damn right, I do. You scoffed.

"Hello, sweetheart." Bee returned, his voice joyful. Seems like she's gotten used to it already. He thought at your endearment. 

"So, um, we're going to see Optimus and the gang?" You asked once seated in and strapped in.

"Yes, are you nervous? You've met them quite a few times." He asked while hitting the road.

"No, um. It's just..." You nervously ran a hand through your hair, "It's different, you know, Bee. Last time we were not... b-but now we're..." you were uncertain of how to say it and only hoped Bee understood what you meant.

"You mean, copulating?" Bee's question made you choked on the water you just drank. "Careful Mia, easy now." Now you're telling me to be careful?! You blamed him.

"No! I mean," You coughed. "Like, more. Like, we're more than friends. We're..." You paused, rethinking. What am I to him? Does he know the concept of a relationship? Does he think that it's all just the fun 'copulating' stuff? Deep down you knew he regarded you way more than what you just thought, but insecurities crept up and filled your chest. As you went silent, Bumblebee seemed to get your point.

"Hey," Bumblebee broke your silence, his voice tender. "I was joking. I know. We're exclusive, Mia. You're my spark mate." He paused, "Even more than that. You're everything to me."

You felt your tears form at his calming assurance. His voice resonated with such certainty and you loved that. "Thanks Bee. You are, too."

"I am what?" He teased, wanting you to say it.

"Bee!" You laughed, covering your red cheeks. "You are everything to me, too. Any-anyway! What I meant to ask was, can Optimus and the other Autobots know about us? Should we keep it a secret? How should we act around them?"

Bumblebee played the song Que Sera Sera (What Will Be, Will Be) on his radio. "You're with me, and we are together. I don't care what they think. If they know, they know." 


The Autobots base was alive with operations. It was the first time you visited their base. Every bot was exhilirated to hear Bumblebee speak again. There were a lot of bumpings, namely fist bumping, shoulder plates bumping, and even body bumping among the younger Autobots when they expressed their thrill. Optimus Prime, however, was touched and you could see pride and content in the way he looked at Bumblebee - like a father proud-gazing at his son. Does that mean he's sorta my boyfriend's father? You fidgeted nervously.

Optimus gathered and briefed the Autobots on an important matter after Bumblebee reported his encounter with Barricade. All the while, you could tell that the youngest Autobot was love-struck. Right. Bumblebee couldn't take his optics off you, stealing glances your way even when Optimus was talking.

"Bumblebee," Optimus called on him when the briefing was dismissed. "You seem distracted." Uh oh, you thought.

"Am I? I'm sorry, Optimus. I didn't realise."

"I reckon that you are staring excessively at our human companion. Is something the matter?" Optimus asked with a low tone.

"No... there isn't any problem, Opti--"


The sound of your body hitting the ground interrupted any activity and conversation in the base. You touched a funny looking circuit and the electricity stung you. Surprised by the sting, you drew your hand and took a hard fall.

Needless to say, Bee was the first one who rushed in lightning speed to your side, down on one knee, and very gently picked you up as if you were made of glass.

"Mia? What happened? Are you alright?" He ask worriedly. Some other Autobots, namely Mirage, Ratchet, and Optimus gathered close.

"Nothing, Bee. I touched that," You pointed with your good hand, "It stung me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause a scene." But it was already a scene.

Bee shook his head and smiled, his blue optics stared at you lovingly before planting a kiss on your forehead. "Be careful next time. I don't want you to get hurt."

Wait, did he just--

Yes he did, publicly show his affection, in front of the wise Autobot leader and some. Your face heated, not from the sting, obviously, and you barely nodded. Yep, he truly didn't care what the other Autobots think.

At that, Mirage made some noise by saying things like, "I knew it! I knew it!"

Ratchet let out a grumble while walking away and said something about the sting being a weapon they were working on for Bumblebee's weapon upgrade and something about you being lucky it wasn't in its full capacity yet or you would be zapped to ashes.

Optimus, on the other hand, immediately understood why Bumblebee was distracted.

--- to be continued ---

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now