Voiceless No More

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Mature warning!
A/N: Bumblebee's voice = Dylan O'Brien version

The drive home from the cliff in California had been a quiet one. For you it was mostly because every time you were faced with Autobot x Decepticon combat, your very core trembled with fear. Who wouldn't? Watching giant killer machines trying to kill each other. Unless this time, one of them was your killer machine. It was a good reminder of how mortal and organic your existence was, as had it not been for Bumblebee, you would've been burnt to ashes. For Bumblebee, it was partly because of some uneasiness, thinking that he had somewhat put you in danger. He tried to remind himself that it was not his fault Barricade appeared out of nowhere, but he should've been more vigilant - like Prime always said. After this, he should report back to base and to Optimus in person. And then it was partly because being back on that particular cliff, finding his voice synthesizer, reminded him of that wretched day when he first arrived on Earth and his voice brutally ripped out by a Decepticon. He tried to shake off those feelings. Things are different now. He thought. And then there was some nervousness, a little hope, that whatever you were planning to do would work. How he missed having a voice.


After tinkering -more appropriately: struggling- for hours on alien circuits and complexities, everything was finally set. You wiped the sweat that broke on your forehead, making it grey as the back of your palm was covered in dirt. You looked at Bumblebee with pride and nervousness. You had tried everything, applying your mechanical engineering college lessons to use. Will it work?  There was only one way to find out.

"Bumblebee?" You asked nervously, still holding a wrench. And before you even asked --

"Yes, M..ia?" Bee answered in reflex, he sounded hoarse. Then his optics widened in surprise. That wasn't the radio!

"Oh my God, Bee!" you gasped in astonishment. "You.. your voice... it worked! It wasn't the radio, was it?"

"My.." Bee coughed a few times through his vent, "My voice." And it wasn't so hoarse anymore. His blue optics beamed with amusement of his own voice, his engine revved in delight. "No, it wasn't the radio." He could not hide the exhilaration of having his speech back and wrapped his hands around you, and lifted you up to meet his optics as you started to well up happy tears. "Mia," his voice now warm and tender, "Thank you so much for giving me my voice."

You shook your head as tears started running down your delicate cheeks. "It's the least I could do, Bee. And I wish I had done it sooner." You broke out in tears while smiling.

Bumblebee closed the inches between the two of you and gently embrace you. "Now you'll have to put up with my endless talking." He chuckled and lightly stroke your hair, trying to lighten up the air.

"I won't mind it." You chuckled back tears.

"How do you like my voice?" Bee asked with a low and relaxed tone, turning your lovely dirt-smeared face to look at him, not knowing that the resonation of his voice alone elated you. You never imagined that Bumblebee's voice would be so loving, pleasantly filled with youth and electric warmth. That hearing his voice alone could send you to your own paradise. You looked into his optics and soon your heart rate climbed up.

You inhaled in the few inches of air between the two of you, tears subsided and soon replaced with shallower breaths. "It's the best thing that I ever hear." Your eyes darted down to his mouth, then peeked up from under your lashes. "I love you, Bee."

With his mouth plate moving to the sides, Bumblebee tilted his head to gently close on your pink lips with his. How much he missed your taste, and the closeness it felt when your lips met. Soon the kiss came to pick up pace, with both of you growing more and more wanting. The low growl that was let out deep from Bumblebee's chest was enough to bring you to surrender to your own desires.

"I love you too." Bumblebee broke the kiss to let you breathe the much-needed air, and said with all certainty, "And I want you."

Confidence. All this time communicating with other people - human - voices, little character could be shown when Bee 'spoke'. Sure, Bumblebee had his own personality, shown in his gestures and action, but his radio voices could not give the right tone he wanted to express. And this was the first time you could really hear him, and how confident he was when he spoke. You shivered in ecstasy, Bee's voice was so confident that it felt as if it was an order. You answered with a whimper as the Autobot traced a finger on your cheek.

As if following an order, you slipped out of your tee and jeans, exposing your beautiful body. With only your underwear being on the way between your bare skin and Bumblebee's desire, before you could even register what happened next, with quick flicks, Bee relieved you of those fabrics.

"Bee..." you called out with a gasp.

"Beautiful." He said, making a trail of kisses, worshipping every inch of you. His engine heated up, his chest let out growls, impatient to taste you.

"You're driving me crazy, Bee." You protested as he kept on teasing, driving you to the edge.

"I'm enjoying every moment of it." And with that, he moved his lower plates away to reveal his already throbbing member. Your face heated up upon the sight of it. Your lower part was still sore from last time, not because Bee was not gentle, but because of his mere size. But you were intoxicated, and it was all worth the soreness. You wanted it. You wanted him.

"Bumblebee..." Your hazy eyes locked on Bee's optics, "Please, Bee, I need you." You begged shamelessly with a quiver when Bee kept teasing your folds with his member and did not fulfil you right away.

Bee almost felt bad for teasing you to this very point, but he couldn't help himself for enjoying your little gasps and wants. It was also hard for him to restrain himself; if it was up to his desire alone, he would have been buried deep in you the moment he laid his eyes on your bare skin. Hearing your plea, Bee glided into you with a single thrust that drew a loud grunt from himself and a sweet yelp from you, his beloved human.

The night was young and the two of you were under love's spell itself, and so the garage was lit up with ecstasy, loud grunts and soft moans echoed in between the four walls, both you and the Autobot both driving each other crazy in intoxication, grinding and reaching the peak of pleasure and came crashing down in each other's embrace, only to start over again and again.


When it was all over he laid down next to you on his side, his right hand propping his head up. When can he stop being so damn hot? You cursed, not knowing that Bumblebee also cursed the same thing in his mind. His other hand caressed your still-bare body, covered in sweat and his overloads.

"Are you alright, Mia? I hope I didn't hurt you." Bee asked lovingly.

"I'm more than alright. In fact I think I..."

"Mhm? Go on, love." He asked in a gentle tone. How much you loved his restored voice.

"I feel like I'm addicted to you."

--- to be continued ---

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

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