The Devil Himself

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Warning: Explicit scenes of dark/evil Bumblebee x you. Read with discretion, skip this chapter if you're not comfortable

You thought all hope was lost. No one, especially not an Autobot, would be let out alive by the Decepticons. For two days you stayed with the Autobots, getting up to date on their strategy and efforts in finding Bumblebee or retrieving him, but all efforts were done to no avail. You could not take it anymore, and after crying your eyes out, you decided to go home and take a much-needed hot shower to hopefully clear your mind.

You arrived home and stepped in front of the garage. You placed a hand on the rolling door of the garage, closing your eyes. Imagining that... when you open it, Bumblebee would be in there, in his alt mode, flick his lights twice to greet you. For a moment you felt peace, you felt his presence in your mind, and you smiled. Then reality downed on you that Bumblebee was gone.

With shaky hands you rolled the door, facing the empty garage ahead. You entered the garage, abandoning the half-opened door, and sat on the spot where you and Bumblebee would usually sit, chatted, embraced, made love. You crouched and hugged your knees.

"I would do anything. Anything, Bee. Just to have you back." You whispered.


You jolted hard at the voice, turning your head to the source of it, at the door of the garage. No way.

You were too consumed in grief that you did not realise something - someone - had barged in. And that someone was none other than Bumblebee himself.

"Bee?" You groggily tried to stand up, staring at the silhouette that stood still at the garage entrance. You couldn't see his face and front features due to the backlighting caused by the bright light from outside the garage. But you would recognize that silhouette anywhere.

"Bumblebee!" You screamed in joy, unable to believe this miracle.

He didn't budge.

"You're alive!" You started running towards him.

He stood still.

As you got close you spread your arms wide, about to hug your lover when he suddenly moved forward with thuds and yanked you back.

You watched in horror and confusion as your back took the fall and hit the concrete. "What... what are you doin--"

Before you could finish your sentence, Bumblebee pinned you down on the concrete with one hand on your neck. You could hear his hissing from his vents. No... He inched his face closer to yours, optics fixed on your eyes. Red. Red optics.

"Bee, please! I-It's me!" Your voice shook in terror as you felt his hand which did not have the usual warmth that you had grown very accustomed to, starting to disrupt your breath.

Bumblebee replied in a very low, disturbing tone. "Puny little human. How I could snap your neck easily."

"Bee... please..." You trembled, fearing that he wouldn't remember you and would proceed to snap your neck. But even with his memory loss, Bumblebee would never be violent. This is different. You thought, This is not Bumblebee.

"You seem to know me well." He smirked. "Are you ready for your destruction?" His other hand pressed on one of your thighs, leaving marks.

You felt tears running down your cheeks.

As if fascinated by your tears he loosened the grip on your neck, mouthplate moved aside and he licked away your tears, making you squirm at the contact.

"How fascinating." He grumbled. The moment you registered that he was but a cat playing with its prey before killing it, you tried to break free instinctively.

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now