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It was the day of the study trip. Your body was sore as a a result of last night's intimate rendezvous with Bumblebee. The thought of last night spiked your body heat and your cheeks blushed. Oh, God. You thought, What did I do last night?! So, I'm now officially Bumblebee's girlfriend? Mate? Wha- how is this even possible?

Possible or not, you found yourself replaying last night's scene over and over again in the back of your mind, reminisced on how heart-fluttering and mind-blowingly good it was, and each time, you squirmed and blushed even more. Cannot blame yourself, girl. He is a freakin charm. You ensured yourself. And it was more than just physical pleasure of making love with the Autobot. It was the bond and connection you never felt before.

Unfortunately this morning you and Bumblebee didn't have a chance to see each other. Bumblebee was already gone by the time you woke up. You did, however, find a vibrant yellow flower placed on your window still. How cute, you chuckled.

Your daydreaming in the bus was interrupted when someone filled the empty seat next to you.

"Mia, right?" A brown-haired guy in an oversized hoodie greeted.

"Yeah." You smiled politely.

"Brent." He smirked. Fuckboy style.

You sighed and looked out the window. Yeah, nope. I miss Bumblebee.


In the outskirt of the town, Bumblebee was gathered with Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. This mission was called by Optimus because in a patrol, Cliffjumper detected a possible energon source. A thorough survey on the area was a must. As they reached the coordinate, the Autobots transformed to their robotic glory.

"Autobots," Optimus commanded, "Split in pairs and cover all areas. Cliffjumper, these coordinates are scattered in quite a vast area. Are you sure of your finding?"

"Yes, Optimus." The red Autobot responded with certainty.

"In that case, we must secure the area and survey it thoroughly. Roll out and regroup here for report once you're done."

At Optimus' command, the Autobots split in pairs and rolled in their alt (vehicle) modes. Cliffjumper with Arcee, Ratchet with Optimus, Bumblebee with Mirage.

"Oh boy! Look who we have here!" The blue Porsche Carrera teased. Bumblebee chirped.

"Come on, Bee! Whats up brotha? Gimme some'n! It's not fair, you got to live with a pretty little human and I'm stuck with a bunch of tight asses." Mirage bumped Bee on the shoulder as they reached their survey coordinate and transformed back to original form.

Pretty little human. My human. Tight-what? Bumblebee's face heated up at Mirage's stupid question, as his mind traveled to some distracting part that he should not be thinking right now. Stupid Mirage. Bumblebee replied with two embarrassed chirps and a shrug.

"Oh, danggg! What is it, Bee? I can see you heatin' up ya know, ooohh! Lil Bumblebee gettin' some!" Mirage did a little move to annoy Bee, to which Bee responded with a grunt as he walked away from him. Little did Mirage know that lil' Bee was indeed getting some.

"--Holy cow--!!" Bumblebee cursed through his radio, which surprised Mirage. He pointed at a rock on the ground with his canon, the bottom of the rock leaking purple, blackish element.

"Mother of ... whaat?" Mirage shouted and took a sniff. "Primus. This is not energon." He looked around the vast desert area, "Cliffjumper did not find energon source.."

"It is -- darkness --" Bee backed off.

"Dark energon. We gotta alert the others!"


Your college group had reached the destination. The military museum. You had never really been fascinated with history, but being a straight A student with very few friends, you had no choice but to come along the tour. All the popular girls either bailed or talked trash in the museum. As you were reading some information of an old weapon, Brent showed up. Again.

"Whatchu reading, pretty?" He smirked.

To which you only rolled your eyes.

"Come on, we're in the same class baby, don't give me the ice." Brent said, staring up and down at your curves.

"I wouldn't if you don't gawk at me. And just, mind your own business." You grunted and walked away. Why don't you just gawk at those noisy popular girls anyway? Perv.

Brent halted your steps, and with his nasty breath being too close to your face,  he snapped. "You'll regret playing hard to get with me." And with that he walked away.

You held in your tears, you just wanted a peaceful day. Bumblebee... I really wish you were with me right now.


Up in the field, Bumblebee felt his spark twitched. Suddenly he thought of you, longing and worrying. I hope she's alright.

--- to be continued ---

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

(Author's note: Ok I'm now invested in my own story haha if anyone's reading please let me know, get me a little vote or comment. Thanks!!)

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now