A Tight-Knit Family

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It's a particularly cold autumn evening as I walk down the street to get to my apartment. I sigh as I remember Whizzer at home probably getting angry at some random shit I didn't do. I stare down at my green jacket, my checkered white shirt and my square orange tie. Whizzer hates my clothes. Why do I stick around? Whatever... So...here's what you need to know about me. My name's Marvin, I'm 32 years old, I have a 10-year-old son named Jason, and a wife named Trina. Well...she's not REALLY my wife. She's my ex-wife. I still come over to her house though since we haven't really worked out the "custody" thing with Jason yet. You're also probably wondering who "Whizzer" is. Whizzer is my...well...I guess my...boyfriend? We haven't really labeled it yet. All I know is that ten months ago, I was a heterosexual man with a wife and kid. Except I was unhappy. I never knew why. Then Whizzer came into my life, and it all seemed so clear. I had an affair and she caught us in the den. I was worried at first thinking that Jason would hate this and he would NEVER except me. Luckily he loves Whizzer more than anything and he was pretty chill with it. I enter my apartment only to see Whizzer taking his deep brown eyes off the newspaper he was reading, and onto me. He smiles a handsome smile and I walk over to him. Sitting down next to  him on the couch, I mumble a little "hello" and he nods, his smile never leaving. I run my hand through his perfect hair. He is, honest to god, the prettiest thing on this planet. I sigh with love and admiration before going to sleep on his shoulder. He strokes my head to calm me down, and it works. Almost too well. I hate how much I love this boy.

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