Love Is Blind

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I walk into the room and I see a man with curly hair and a charming smile. I've never been to a therapist place or a psychiatrist type place before, so I was a little nervous. Luckily, this guy's warm smile made me feel...calm...for some reason... strange.

- Hello. He says.

- Um...hi.

- My name is Mendel.

- My name is Trina.

- So, you're Marvin's wife, right?

- EX-wife. I specify.

- Yes, of course, my bad. He apologizes.

- It's ok.

- So...I assume...based on what I've heard from Marvin, you must be really...

- ...Fucked up? I ask sarcastically.

- Yeah...but I have been Marvin's psychiatrist for YEARS. I finally want to hear a SECOND side of the story, so tell me...what has been your experience with Marvin as a husband.

I sigh. I remember life with Marvin. He was really aggravating with his "ideals on how a home life should be". It was...terrible. Then, one day, he just decides- wait...I should probably be telling this to Mendel...

- Well he was an asshole for starters so jot that down on your little notepad.

My statement seemed to have amused him so he laughed.

- So...tell me about your struggles with that lifestyle. He says in a calm tone.

- Alright...well, when we first met, there was a lot of flirting. It was mostly from me. Actually, it was all from me. I thought he was doing it too, but turns out he really just wanted to get away from me. He even gave me a phoney home address. I don't know why I couldn't just take the hint.

- Don't blame yourself, my dear. He says.

- Yeah, well okay. Then, we started dating and he asked for my father's blessing. He said yes, of course, cause he was too blinded by the fact that Marvin was rich and he couldn't see that he was an obvious homo. Of course, I was too blinded by love to see it. After we got married, he never wanted me o u c h him. The only time we ever did it was when we had our son, Jason. Then, at some point, he just stopped coming home at night on most days. He still tried, chocolates, other stuff...then one day, I came home from work and I saw Marvin and some guy just the if no one existed except themselves. A complete disregard to his wife, son, family and many other things he fucked up. I begged him to stay with me, even though I knew he was having an affair with Whizzer. He refused my offer and stated that "it would be better for the both of us if I left".  My first thought was: so you had NO problem WHATSOEVER being with Whizzer and being married to me when I DIDN'T know. But now that I LET you screw around with Whizzer even though we're married, I'M THE FUCKING WHORE??

Mendel was staring at me intensely with a look of compassion. It made me smile. He's a really sweet guy.

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