Marvin at The Psychiatrist

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- A-and that's why I tried to c-commit s-suicide...*sobs*

- Uh-huh...I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm bored out of my fucking mind. I'm a psychiatrist. Which is the shittiest of all jobs. I have to listen to depressed-ass people all day complaining about their lives. I sigh quietly. Suddenly, my watch beeps. Thank god. My patient leaves. I check my watch. 4:50pm. Oh hell yeah. It's my favourite patient. His name is Marvin. He's been coming here for about three years. He's my favourite patient because his story is actually interesting. Also, his wife is really pretty. She's been coming here for less time than he has, but I still like her a lot. In he walks, disheveled and red-faced. Of course. Him and his boyfriend are know what I mean.

- Ah, Marvin! I exclaim.

- Hey, Mendel. He says shyly.

- Take a seat, hun. I pat the chair next to me.

He sits down timidly.

-'s it been since last week? I ask.

- Fine... he says, clearly hiding something.

- Fine...? I ask, eyebrow raised.

- Yeah...

- Marvin, I'm your psychiatrist. You can be honest with me! I reassure.

- Okay...well...I'm a bit annoyed. He levels.

- Hmm...trouble in paradise? I ask eluding to Whizzer.

He glared at me, but soon, his expression softens. He nods slowly. it was Whizzer.

- He's...I mean...

I cut his sentence.

- Do you love him? I ask.

- Sorta kinda...

- Do you need him? I continue.

- Sorta...kinda?

- does he make you feel?

- He makes me feel...happy, I guess...? He makes me smile...he also makes me feel sorta smart...I guess. He stammers.

- Mhm...and he's different than any other person you've dated? Like, is he special? I ask.

- He's...delightful. He smirks.

- And...romantic? I ask, trying to peer into his sex life.

- Yes...but spiteful. He scowls.

- And you're not...? I ask, leaning in.

He shuts up. Yeah...he knows I'm right.

- Just enjoy what you can...don't regret happiness. I say, wisely.

He huffs and rolls his eyes.

-, how about you tell me some things you like about him? I ask.

He scowls. Marvin looks up at the ceiling to try and think of something. Damn, does it really take that long to think of something you like about your boyfriend? I sigh. His face lights up as if he just thought of something. My head perks up and I lean in.

- Well...he has nice sense of style...sorta...kinda...

- Yeah? I ask, wanting him to open up more.

- And

- ...hard to describe? I finish his sentence.

- Yes...that is VERY true. He laughs a bit.

I lean in a bit closer and raise an eyebrow with a smirk.

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