Smile, Trina

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I walk in to Mendel's office. He was sitting there with his usual charming smile. I sit down shyly on the chair beside him as he greets me warmly. He's a really nice person. People like him are rare in this world. I really can't take this anymore, though. It's this feeling of horribleness that I could never get over. I feel overwhelmingly depressed. Everyone hates me. My son, my husband. Everyone I care about or once cared about. I really couldn't take it, so I had a panic attack. Right there. Next to Mendel. He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and began stroking my back. He did some other thing that also calmed me down. Clearly, this isn't his first time seeing a patient have a panic attack in his office. He handled it very well. Once I finished, I managed to get some words out.

- Th-this really needs to stop, doctor, this family has become a horrible failure. I say, sadly.

- My dear, please don't feel responsible, after all it's through! He says smiling.

- Then, who is responsible??? I ask, panicked.

- Don't ask me questions like that...I-um-don't like them...

- Um-

- But, I'm grateful that you're out of that terrible loveless marriage. He cuts me off.

- Yeah...I guess...

- I'd love to see you smile, Trina, don't worry, I'll help you mend! He smiles.

I try to convince myself that I never loved Marvin. I try to convince myself that I was never foolish enough to think that Marvin loved me. He was rich and not smart, but I lusted for the money more. That's all it was. Wasn't it...?

Mendel's P.O.V

In walks Trina. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She walks in gracefully, as always, and sits down shyly on the chair next to me. She's so pretty. I stare at her for a while before shifting my gaze onto my notepad. Once I looked up from my notepad, mouth open to ask her my first question, she was having a panic attack. I tried to reassure her. This has happened before, so it's not a huge deal. Although, I am very sad to see her like this. I want to see her smile. It's so pretty when she smiles. The lights up the room.

- Th-this really needs to stop, doctor, this family has become a horrible failure. She says, out of breath.

- My dear, please don't feel responsible, after all, it's through! I say happily.

- Who is responsible???? She asks panicked.

I can't answer that. I know exactly who is responsible. My favourite patient, Marvin. He's the one responsible for everything. But Marvin's my patient... I can't tell people he's a monster.

- Don't ask me questions like that...I-um-don't like them...

- Um-

I cut her off to give her a positive note.

- But, I'm grateful that you're out of that terrible loveless marriage.

- Yeah, I guess... she says, not convinced.

- I'd love to see you smile, Trina, don't worry, I'll help you mend!

She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. She lets out the smallest, tiniest, little grin on the corner of her mouth. Thank god I made her smile.

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