Late For Dinner, Late Again

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I sit in the driver's seat of my car. Whizzer was in the passenger's seat. I can't fucking believe this. He's fucking late for making dinner. I swear to God. He's supposed to make the dinner. Always stay home. Be set to screw. Why is that's I hard for him to understand?? I angrily look at the road in front of me, not saying a word to my lover.

Whizzer's P.O.V

Fuck. Marvin's really mad at me right now. He drives angrily, not saying a word to me. Fuck. Oh god. He's really mad. I take a deep breath.

- I ask.

He doesn't answer.

- Ugh, Marvin...tell me what's wrong. I say, calmly.

- What's wrong, Whizzer, is that you are late to making dinner even though you have to be ready to make dinner every night. You have three goddamn jobs; making dinner, always be at home, always be ready to screw. And somehow, you fucked up one of the very small things I asked of you. So don't act like you've done nothing wrong, because you've disrespected me, greatly.

His words are like a dagger in the heart. I try to keep in my tears, but I fail. I at least try to keep my sobs quiet. He was too busy angrily staring at the road to notice me crying.

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