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I sit in my living room playing chess by myself. My mom is too busy having a mental breakdown to play with me. As for my dad, he's too busy fucking his new boyfriend to even look at me. Okay, that was rude. I shouldn't take shots at Whizzer. He's a really nice guy and he's a better dad then my dad ever was. It's been 9 months since my parents got a divorce. Which means I met Whizzer 8 months ago. Life with him as a second father is actually amazing. I wish that he was my only parent and my two other parents just...left me alone...well, no. They do that enough already. Whizzer taught me how to play baseball, my mom tried to get me a therapist. Whizzer plays chess with me, my dad cheated on his wife. Now do you see why I like Whizzer more than I like my parents? The day my father left us, I asked him why he was leaving. He told me that he was pursuing love. He told me that love was the most important thing in the world. I think chess is important... it keeps the mind fresh, so you don't become stupid and cheat on your spouse. It keeps you sane, so you don't have breakdowns randomly while making dinner. Honestly, fuck it all. I'd rather just play chess by myself for the rest of my life.

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