Men from France can cancel a dept

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I can't really explain the AU... they're in high school. Enjoy the ride:) lmao I'm literally the only one left in the Falsettos fandom
I could probably write "pee pee caca" and no one would care:):):) enjoy anyways!

Every day was like the others for Marvin *Lastname*. He woke up, went to school, zoned out in class, and went home. Everything was the same, over and over and over again. But it wasn't maddening. It was dull, sure, but Marvin assumed that was just life... until one day... Marvin arrived in class and sat at the back, as usual. Everything was normal until Miss Goldberg arrived and settled the classroom. Everyone was quiet as they listened to her.

- So, today we will be having a new student. She said,  no energy or happiness in her voice, as usual.

In walked a tall, brown-haired, brown-eyed boy, with an amazing sense of style and a smile that shone brighter than a million stars. Marvin sat up straight as soon as he saw him. His eyes were wide as he stared at the gorgeous new kid. His heart sped up and his face grew hot. He wanted this kid to talk to him, to be around him, to know him. It had barely been three seconds and Marvin was already crushing on him. The new kid didn't speak as he smiled with innocence and a slight hint of confusion. Miss Goldberg cleared her throat.

- See, he speaks French. Only a little English... does anyone here speak French? She asked.

Marvin shot up his hand as quickly as possible. He didn't know a lick of French, but any opportunity to speak to the new kid, was one that he was willing to take. After all, how hard can it be? Miss Goldberg nodded.

- Alright, Marvin... you can sit next to him. She said.

The new kid nodded and sat down next to Marvin. He put his hand out.

- Bonjour! Je m'appelle William Zert Tremblay-Fortin Markus Étienne Louis Frances Colomb Terrier.

Marvin stared at him with his mouth slightly open. The only thing he had remembered from his name was something with a "wi" and something with a "zer".

- I'll call you Whizzer, okay?
- Ooh! American name! He said in a thick French accent.

Marvin blushed at "Whizzer"'s adorable accent. He wanted to hear it for days on end... he wouldn't get bored, ever.

- Tu sais, j'avais peur que personne allait parler Français, comme moi... j'avais peur que j'allais être le seul avec in accent pis tout ça... je suis content de te rencontrer! (T: you know, I was scared that no one was gonna speak French like me... I was scared that I was going to be the only one with an accent and all that... I'm glad to have met you!)

Marvin had absolutely no idea what Whizzer had just said, but he was in love. People said that French was the most attractive language. He never believed that until now. He stared at Whizzer in awe that someone could be so gorgeous.

- Ça va? Said Whizzer. (T: are you okay?)

Whatever Whizzer had just said, it sounded like a question. Marvin panicked. How was he going to answer if he didn't know French? He sweat while saying "uuhhhh" for a while before responding in the only French word that he knew:

- Oui. Said Marvin.
- Bien! Or as dey say in Américain, good!

Marvin smiled at him. The teacher began talking and both boys tried their best to listen.

- Ok, so we're going to work on an essay about your opinion on fertilizer. Take out your dictionaries. Said Miss Goldberg.

Marvin felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked toward Whizzer.

- Marvin, c'est quoi, euhh.... "Dickshionarys"?

Marvin raised an eyebrow.

- Di-... Oh! You mean dictionary!
- Yes! What his dictionary....?
- it's uh it's this. Said Marvin, showing Whizzer his dictionary.
- Ah! Un dictionnaire! (T: Ah, a dictionary!)
- Yep, that's it.
- Tank yu.

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