Arts and Sports

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A/N: High school AU, they're both the same age and I don't care if it's cringe bc the Falsettos Fandom is dead and no one will read this:)

Warning ⚠️: Canadian school systems 😱

Art club. The most boring of them all. At least, Whizzer Brown thought so. He hated art more than anything. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but he really didn't like it. He despised the idea of just sitting in a silent room with your thoughts and brushing some stick against thick paper. Whizzer liked sports. He did baseball, racquetball, tennis and others. He liked being active. You know, fun things. He also disliked art kids. They speak like they know of smart things, but they don't. They use big words  like: "transcendent", even though they probably don't know what it means.

All that to say, Whizzer was less than pleased that his little sister asked him to pick her up from art club on Thursday. He got freaked out just looking at the art room and smelling all of that turpentine and paint. He walked in and there were kids from sec 4 and 5. He was in sec 5, meaning he was going to graduate that year. He looked around and everyone seemed to be painting the most god awful paintings he had ever seen. Whizzer was twenty-five minutes early, so he decided to poke around. Everyone's painting reminded him of the dump he took this morning... except for one.

This brunet, kind of short kid, was painting a really nice piece of a family. Two adults and a kid. The family looked pretty fucked up, which spoke to Whizzer, due to his equally fucked up family. He couldn't get a glance of the face of the kid, so he came closer to him and peered over his shoulder.

- Wow. A modern day Albert Picasso. He said, startling the boy.

He turned toward Whizzer to reveal a surprisingly attractive face. Blue eyes, light dust of freckles and light pink cheeks. Whizzer liked him already.... Maybe a little too much.

- Th-Thank you... Said the boy, still surprised.

The kid started giggling all of a sudden. Whizzer raised an eyebrow, his friendly smile never leaving his face.

- And by the way, it's Pablo Picasso. He said.

Whizzer shrugged.

- Isn't that what I said? He asked, making the boy giggle again, a sound that made Whizzer's heart happy.

He put out his hand.

- Marvin.

Whizzer shook it.

- Whizzer.

The two boys ended up talking, and they enjoyed each other's company. After a while of Whizzer just staring at him painting in awe, Marvin cleared his throat.

- Do you paint? He asked.

Whizzer laughed to himself. "What a question...", he thought to himself, internally rolling his eyes. After all, I've made it quite clear that Whizzer hated art. Although... spending time with this art kid, has been really fun for him.

- No, I don't paint.
- I could teach you.

Whizzer laughed again.

- You'd be wasting your time.

Marvin shook his head with a smile that revealed his straight, white teeth.

- Nonsense. Pick up that paintbrush. He ordered, pointing at a pail of brushes.

Whizzer complied and got a couple of water colour paints. This made Marvin laugh.

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