The Thrill of First Love

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I walk home from the absolute worst day of work I've ever had in my life. At least Whizzer's always there when I get home... I walk into my apartment and I see Whizzer angrily reading the newspaper. I wonder what he's reading about. I walk in and pitch my jacket onto the couch. As usual. He takes his death glare off the paper and onto me. Okay. I get it now. He wasn't angry at what he was reading...he was angry at me. Of fucking course.

- Hang up your fucking clothes, Marvin. He says.

- ...Whizzer begs. I say sarcastically.

- Whizzer fucking knows, bitch. He shoots back.

- Do you have to swear in EVERY sentence? I ask with a sigh.

- Mhm! He smiles.

I immediately melt. His smile is absolutely gorgeous. I sigh and go behind the couch to rub his shoulders. He tenses up at the contact for a split second, but quickly melts into it.

- You know, it's been 10 months since we started dating. I say.

- Hm...9 months. He corrects.

- No, 10 months.

- 9 months, sweetie.

He won me over with that stupid pet name. He picks up my jacket (that I threw) and looks at it.

- Ew, Marvin...what the actual fuck is this colour?


- More like, shit with throw-up on it. He says.

- Well SORRY if I go to a store and get the cheapest thing there cause I don't wanna be broke. I say in a snarky tone.

- You REALLY don't share my devotion to style, dear.

- I could not care less. I say.

He walks up to me and starts undoing my tie.

- How you manage to mess up your tie EVERY day, is beyond me. Whizzer states, sarcastically.

- Maybe I just like to see you untie it... I say quietly and with a wink.

He rolls his eyes.

- If you really love me like that, show it...send me flowers. Whizzer orders.

- Why not? I ask sarcasm in my tone.

- Hmm...roses. Make them roses. He specifies.

- Sure. I roll my eyes.

- You sour too quickly. He complains.

- And you're too horny. I shoot back.

- That's not a love it. He says.

- No...not really.

- Don't lie, Marv.

He was right...I do love it. So I just didn't say anything. He smirks at his victory. The passion hasn't died yet. But our relationship is just lust and fucking,'ll probably die soon... I mean, am I in constant depression cause our relationship isn't A+? No. But, it would be nice for him to listen to me once in a while. Like, if he could just cook dinner without a fucking complaint, that would be awesome. But for now, I'll have to wait to get my perfect tight-knit family.

Whizzer's P.O.V

Sometimes, I wonder why I stay with Marvin. He's a sweet guy...sometimes. He's nice when he's not forcing me into pointless gender roles. Cook the dinner... always be set to screw...always stay at home... I honestly don't understand. Why does he want me to be like that? Yet somehow, I always end up staying with him. He makes my heart beat fast, but I know it shouldn't. Loving him will always lead to heartbreak. I'm used to flings or one-night stands. Marvin is the first guy I've been with for longer than three days. He's...I don't know...different, I guess? He treats me like a fucking housewife. Yet, I keep coming back to him. I fucking hate myself for loving him as much as I do. He has this shitty sense of style that is so endearing for some reason... his eyes are a shade of blue that I could never get out of my mind. I always deny it, but I will always know that I am hopelessly head over heals in love with Marvin.

- Do you have to pick a fight with me every day? I say, smirking.

- Maybe if you weren't so fucking impossible all the time... he starts.

- Fuck you.

- Not right now, maybe later. He says, proud of his little comeback.

I roll my eyes exaggeratedly.

- If you keep making terrible comebacks, you won't.

He shuts up.

- Hey Marvin, I was gonna go to the bar today, so...

- ...that's fine. He answers. Just, don't come back with some random guy. He smirks.

- Oh, come on. I start. You knew what you were getting into when we first started dating...

- A cheater...? He raises an eyebrow.

- Okay then, fucking leave me. I throw my hands up in the air.

- Or why don't you love me.

- Don't be a fool.

- Okay...if you won't love me, then want me. He says calmly.

- Okay, feed me. I shoot.

- Of course you ask me to do your never finish what you start.

I stop dead in my tracks. Did he really just say that??

- What I love, I pay attention to.

- So you don't love me?! He asks.

- What?? I never said that!!! It wasn't really a reassuring tone, it was more like an accused tone.

- You said you stick by what you love, yet you still go to other men's houses at night, and come home drunk.

I stay silent. He fucking knew what he was getting into when we first got together... what's up with the complaints now??? Yet, I can't help but feel slightly guilty. He sits down in the couch. He has a sad frown on his face. I go behind the couch to rub his shoulders.

- Baby, I'm sorry. I say apologetically.

- It's fine... he says.

- Why don't I not go to the bar tonight, and I just stay here with you, and we order Chinese food after you get back from the psychiatrist?

He nods in approval with a smile. I'll have to miss out on the bar tonight, but at least I'll be with the man I love.

Marvin's P.O.V

- Why don't I not go to the bar tonight, and I just stay here with you, and we order Chinese food after you get back from the psychiatrist?

I nod in approval with a smile. He Saunters over to the couch and sits down next to me. Whizzer grabs my arm and puts it over his head so my arm is around his shoulders. He flashes me an innocent smile. I lean in to kiss that adorable grin. It lasted about 2 seconds before Whizzer pulled away.

- That's it. He says getting up from the couch.

I grab his belt and pull him back. He smirks. I'm definitely not done with him.


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