Study Session

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"So I take it from the steamy liplock that you and Josh are together now?" Morgan questioned as we hurried toward the house in an attempt to make it in time for dinner.

"No, I told you that I'm not ready for another boyfriend, we are JUST friends."

Morgan cocked a brow in my direction, "Please do not tell me you actually buy into that friends with benefits crap."

I shrugged my shoulders ignoring her obvious judgment. "Before today I didn't but Josh has got me thinking otherwise. What's so wrong with it anyway? I happen to be enjoying those benefits."

"And what if other girls are receiving those benefits?"

"There are no other girls."

"But there COULD be...if you two aren't in a relationship he could give benefits to whoever he wants whenever he at the study session tomorrow night... and then everytime you are with him you are reaping the benefits of everyone he's ever benefitted with..."

I stopped in my tracks and shot Morgan my best 'what the fuck' look. "Ok, first off, you have taken this benefits conversation too far...I'm not even entirely sure what you just said...and secondly, I kissed the's not like we were having sex so chill."


*Friday After school*

Flinging open my locker, I grabbed the books I would need for the big study session at Justin's house. This was one of the biggest nights of the Chilton school year and I was honestly really looking forward to it.

"Hi there,"

I heard Josh's voice for the first time all day and it immediately brought a smile to my lips turning I cocked a brow in his direction. "Where have you been all day? I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

"Apparently word got out that I was offering tutoring ... Every free moment I've had today has been consumed with people begging me to tutor them."

Confusion crossed my face. "I'm sorry, it wasn't me...I had planned to keep you all to myself, Chilton kids can be a little...intense."

"I'd say! Question... Who is Justin and why is everyone asking me if I'm going to his house tonight?"

Grabbing the last of my books, I shoved them into my bag before closing my locker. "Justin is Professor Burke's son, every year they throw this huge study session at his mansion. It's like a party only instead of drinking alcohol and having promiscuous sex everyone brings their books and studies... It's a lot of fun."

"Our ideas of fun are apparently very different." Josh said with a smirk, "Are you going?"

"Of course." I said slinging my large backpack over my shoulder nearly knocking myself over in the process. "It's the one party that my brothers actually agree to let me attend with no question. You should come, I could use your help studying."

Josh cocked a brow. "Hmmmm...spend my Friday night at a total snooze fest studying instead of slutting it up and drinking alcohol... sure...why not."


"I can't believe you didn't bring anything to study," I scoffed as Josh and I made our way toward Justin's house. "you do realize that is the whole purpose of tonight right?"

Josh rolled his eyes before grabbing my huge backpack from me and throwing it over his shoulder with a labored groan. "Why bring my books when you are clearly toting our entire curriculum in this bag, besides I thought the purpose of tonight was for me to help YOU study."

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