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-Joe's POV-

We were clearing the table from dinner when the doorbell rang, little Ellie immediately screamed 'I'll get it!' before running full speed toward the door, her chocolate brown ringlets bouncing behind her.

"Not so fast," I said scooping her up and flinging her over my shoulder sending her into a fit of giggles. "You aren't supposed to answer the door, what if it was a stranger?"

"Then I would tell him to piss off." She said without skipping a beat. I stopped dead in my tracks replaying her words in my head to make sure I had heard her correctly.

"Elizabeth Ann Jonas what did you just say?" I asked blown away with what had just escaped my niece's mouth.

"I'd tell him to piss off." She repeated in her five year old munchkin voice that I tried so hard to not chuckle at.

"That's what I thought you said. I don't know where you heard that but it's not a nice thing to say." I lightly scolded before opening the door. An audible groan escaped my lips at the sight of our visitor. "CeCelia" I called bringing her bounding to the door, a smile brightening her face at the sight of Josh. "I do not want him in this house." I mumbled in her direction before heading back toward the living room. I watched as Cee put on her coat before joining Josh on the front porch, putting Ellie to the ground I crouched down to her level. "I should have let you open the door and tell him to piss off."

-CeCe's POV-

Letting the door slam behind me I walked outside to find Josh lazily leaning against the railing.

"Hey pretty girl." He said standing up and giving me a quick hug. "How are you feelin?"

Shrugging, I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. "Ok I guess."

"I've been worried about you." He said sliding out of his coat before throwing it over my shoulders.

Shaking my head, I smiled. "You don't have to be worried about me. I'm going to be just fine. I've just got to figure out a good routine...I'm still sporting the 'betes training wheels but I should be back in school on Monday."

"Are you ready to come back?"

I cocked a brow, "I'm not really looking forward to going back to the rumors."

"Rumors? What rumors?" Josh asked turning towards me feigning shock.

Leaning on the railing, I shook my head at him. "Oh please, you are going to stand here and tell me you had no idea about the rumors circulating at school?"

Josh sighed knowing he had been busted, "How did you find out about those?"

"I met with Matt today, he told me." I said glaring in Josh's direction. "Better question, why didn't you tell me I was a  cutter with an eating disorder that was dangerously close to dying from cancer?"

He smiled and shook his head. "I wanted you to focus on getting better; not internally freaking out from stupid rumors that were floating around school."

"Well, that is very sweet of you, but in the future if I am days away from death, I'd rather hear it from you than from Matt." I said.

"Noted," Josh said looking over my shoulder toward the house and chuckling. "It seems we have an audience."


"Spies," He said motioning to the moving curtains in the window.

I rolled my eyes sighing in frustration, "My brothers and I had a conversation. They don't like you, they don't even want you in the house. I told them that we were friends and they were just going to have to deal with that but they're going to start being really strict, especially when it comes to you."

Josh shrugged and gave me a smile. "It's ok."

I cocked a brow not understanding how he could be so nonchalant about my brother's ill opinions of him. "It's not ok, they don't even know you and you have been nothing but nice to me, there is no reason for them to be so hateful."

"Cee, my life has been defined by my mistakes, I have made a lot of wrong choices in the past, my record doesn't exactly paint me as the ideal kid you would want hanging around... they are just being protective." He said defending my brothers.

"Well, I think it is ridiculous," I argued. "I also told them that I'm swearing off boys for a while until I figure some crap out."

He mused before looking over at me. "Boys as in boyfriends or just boys in general? What about friends that are boys?"

I smiled nudging his shoulder "Friends that are boys are fine, I'm just not ready for another boyfriend. I need to learn how to manage my diabetes before I manage another boy in my life. Matt disagreed of course, especially when I told him that when I decided to have a boyfriend again that it may or may not be him."

Josh chuckled. "Sounds like a plan, I think I am swearing off girls for a while too, present company excluded of course, I need to figure out some stuff in my life as well...we can figure out stuff together."

Smirking, I snuggled closer into his arm to steal some body heat and to give the window peepers a little taste of misery. "So how is it we intend to figure stuff out together?"

Josh shrugged, "It always helps to have someone around to talk through stuff with so that's what we'll be for each other."

"Sounds like a plan." I said with a smile before locking eyes with him. "It really helped, you being there this past meant more to me than you'll ever know."

Josh smiled. "You are the first person to see beyond the 'bad-boy' image and THAT meant more to me than you'll ever know so consider us even."

I nodded in agreement before wrapping my arms around his back and pulling him into a hug, Josh immediately accepted the gesture. I held the hug for a moment enjoying the feeling of safety it brought before seeing the curtains move again. I sighed pulling from the hug. "I better get back inside and give the spies a piece of my mind. Maybe we can meet up this weekend and hang out?"

"I'd like that," Josh said with a smile. "You have my number."

I slid his coat from my shoulders handing it back to him with a smile. "I'll call you...good night."

"Good Night." He said before I opened the door and disappeared inside.

Chapter End Notes:

Team Matt or Team Josh...lets see how powerful I am at the art of persuasion :P and on that note...couple names?

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