Time Out

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-Nick's POV-

I stood there as Kevin reprimanded me like a child and resisted the urge to roll my eyes in annoyance. "Quit talking to me like I am a child."

Kevin cocked a brow folding his arms over his chest. "Start acting like a grownup and I will treat you like one, your actions as of late hardly qualify."

I held my hands up in mock surrender. "Fine" I conceded, "I get it, I made a mess of things, I will fix it."

"This isn't a typical teen girl meltdown Nicholas, she is hurt and is fairly certain that you are about to disappear from her life, it isn't as simple as walking upstairs and 'fixing it'. . .I am not trying to sound apathetic because I know the amount of stress you are dealing with right now but it is clear that it has effected your levels. Not to pull the big brother card but you need to straighten yourself out before you even attempt to go up there." Kevin instructed pulling rank.

I looked at him processing what he just said. "You know the amount of stress I am dealing with?" I sneered. "When was the last time you were diabetic and raising a teenager inflicted with the same incurable disease only to find out the day after her diagnosis that your girlfriend is pregnant...no offense Kev, but you have no idea what kind of stress I am dealing with."

Kevin dismissed my comment stepping closer and staring me down nose to nose. "As far as diabetes goes, you are right, I don't know what you two have to deal with, I do know that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish it were me instead of my baby brother and sister...but as far as the pregnancy goes, yea I actually do know what it's like...in case you forgot I have two of my own and another on the way and the last time I checked we ALL were helping raise Cee so stop throwing yourself the pity party Nicholas, life isn't fair sometimes, learn to fucking adjust."

We stood there nose to nose for what seemed like forever as I stared into the eyes of my oldest brother defiantly determined not to be the first to back down. It was soon clear that Kevin was standing his ground and I had begun to question my stance in the argument when the sound of Joe clearing his throat behind me broke our stare. "Guys..." he started, "I think we can agree that we have all had our fair share of stress these past couple of weeks so everyone just chill out... we should all sit down and talk with Cee together so that she knows we are a united front and that she is not about to be abandoned...but we can't do that if you two are going to insist on staring each other down all night. Dinner is ready. Let's eat."


-CeCe's POV-

Dinner was awkward to say the least. I wasn't sure if it was the diabetic rollercoaster I had been riding all day or the current baby drama that had my stomach in knots but I felt like I could puke at any moment. I spent dinner pushing food around my plate and barely eating anything at all. I had a low just before we sat down to the table so I ate enough to level me out and that was about it, dinner was spent in silence, Nick obviously in grump mode, Kevin obviously mad at Nick and apparently Joe is still upset with me...either that or he feels just as awkward sitting between Nick and Kev as I do so he is staying stoic. After what seemed like the longest stint of deafening silence in the history of all time we migrated to the living room on the pretenses of having a 'family discussion' again, we all sat in silence, mostly staring at Nick and waiting for him to say something redeeming. He seemed very put off by the whole thing. Finally the silence became too much for me to handle. "So when are you moving out?" I questioned...or rather sneered. My words were laced with disrespect and I couldn't have cared less.

Nick's head shot up at the tone of my voice and he locked eyes with me. His eyes seemed darker when he was angry and at the current moment they seemed almost black. "I never said I was."

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