Does He Like Me, or LIKE me Like me...

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"So, you got in trouble today," Nick recapped as he walked out of the kitchen and came to stand mid-way between me and the couch where Joe sat.

Nick is the youngest of my three brothers at 23. He has always been the one with the methodical mind, so he likes things a certain way, and deviation from what is "expected" doesn't really fly too well with him. Joe is the second oldest at 26, and outside of school, he is typically more laid back, not that he would hesitate to bust my ass if need he so generously demonstrated today. Then there is my oldest brother, Kevin, who is 29. He is now, and has always been the alpha dog, never one to give an inch when it came to obedience which I gave without thought because although he was the most strict I found a certain comfort in it. He is also the peacekeeper of the family...our glue if you will. He lives just a few houses down with his wife Dani and his two girls, Maddie, age 7, and Ellie, age 5... the cutest little girls on the face of the planet...although I am slightly biased.

I lowered my head and tried to avoid Nick's eye daggers, not receiving an answer from me, Nick turned to Joe.

"Yea, I told her to rewrite her paper, and she responded with an f-bomb," Joe said, throwing me under the bus.

"Cecelia!" Nick scolded, his head whipping around to glare at me.

"Well, I worked really hard on that paper! I didn't blow it off!"

"Are you trying to justify your f-bomb?" Joe questioned, chuckling.

"Are you seriously going to make me rewrite that paper?"

"Are you seriously asking me that right now?" Joe questioned cocking a brow.

There was no question about it, I was rewriting that paper.

"Why don't you go get started on that right now," suggested Nick, crossing his arms across his chest.

Where do boys learn this? Is the wide stance, crossing the arms over the chest, eye dagger glare something that is taught to boys or is it just instinctively there? I must know because it is highly effective, slightly terrifying, and makes me feel about two feet tall.

I sighed in defeat and turned on my heels grabbing my backpack before heading to my room to start my paper. Before I even had a chance to crack a book, my bedroom door swung open and Morgan stepped inside dropping her heavy backpack as she entered and flopping down into a nearby beanbag chair.

"So, how much would my parents freak if I just dropped out of school at 16?" questioned Morgan with a sigh.

"Homework?" I questioned knowingly.

" a good 10 pounds of it, how important is Language Arts anyway? No one needs to actually talk in real life with technology the way it is now...they should have more useful classes like texting and twitter 101."

"Well, at least you don't have to rewrite a paper you already busted your ass on."

"True..." Morgan said cocking a brow in my direction. "Speaking of busting your ass, I heard you got in trouble today."

"Who told you that?" I questioned, not entirely thrilled at how quickly the entire school had heard of my reprimand.

"Jason" Morgan replied simply. "What happened?"

"Threw Joe an f-bomb this morning after he outed me to the entire class for a paper he deemed less than mediocre. When I went back for Life Science he was waiting for me and told me to go to his office."


"Yea, so I attempted to ditch."

"You what??" Morgan questioned giggling.

"I panicked!" I said trying to justify my actions. "I HATE getting the belt from Joe in class, he is by far the worst in the entire school."

"That's what I have heard," Morgan said nodding in agreement. "Thankfully I have not had to personally test that theory. So, what happened?"

I smiled remembering Matt. "He kissed me."

"Who kissed you?" Morgan questioned, now completely confused.


"You kissed Matt!" Morgan squealed in delight and sat at attention in the beanbag chair eager to hear more.


"Details woman!" she demanded.

I quickly filled Morgan in on the happenings that she had missed as she sat in the beanbag chair "awwwwwing"

"So, what now? Are you dating or friends or what are you?"

"I don't know" I said honestly. "I didn't exactly ask."

Chapter End Notes:
Little look into Cecelia's family dynamic.
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Updated Chapter End note:
I would like to point out that I predicted not only that Kevin would have two girls but also predicted their age gap...I wrote this 10 years ago 🔮

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