Things you didn't know about me...

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8pm Friday

"Curfew is 11," Nick repeated as I stood in my bathroom doing the finishing touches on my hair. "Not 11:01...11," he added.

"What about 11:02?" I said with a smirk.

Nick narrowed his eyes, clearly not appreciating my humor "Go right ahead, see how that pans out for you," he said in a warning tone.

I rolled my eyes. "I get it, don't be late."

"No drinking," he repeated for at least the fifth time that night.

"Nicky, I know," I said getting irritated "no drinking, no drugs, be home by eleven, no later...I got it."

Nick nodded. "One more thing."

I put the flat iron down with a frustrated sigh. "What!"

Nick walked over and smiled "Have fun," he said kissing the top of my head "but not TOO much fun," he added.

I smiled. "Thanks," I said wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a hug as Joe's voice called me from downstairs.

"Looks like Matt is here," he said giving me a quick squeeze before releasing me to run downstairs.

"She is to be home by eleven," Joe was saying to Matt as I ran down the stairs.

"Yes Sir," responded Matt giving Joe a nod.

"Joey, I have already been over the rules with Nick...multiple times," I said grabbing on to Matt's sleeve to pull him out the door. "I'll be back by eleven."

"Be careful," Joe said as we walked out of the door.

"Well, that wasn't nearly as terrifying as I anticipated," Matt said opening the passenger car door for me to get in."

"What did you think it was going to be like?" I asked.

Matt shrugged, "Your brothers are kind of scary, I anticipated them to threaten me in some way."

I giggled, "Threaten you?"

Matt nodded, "Hell yea, my little sister is nine, you better believe I'll be threatening any boy that comes around to take her on a date."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea well, my brothers just stuck to threatening me, I don't know what the punishment would be for coming home late but I am fairly certain its death."

Matt chuckled. "We will make sure you get home on time."


"So Cee, when were you going to tell me you could sing?" Matt said handing me a can of diet coke after we finished a round of Rock Band on the Wii.

I shrugged "I dunno, when were you going to tell me you could play guitar?" I said popping open the diet coke and taking a drink.

"I can't," he said simply. "I mean, on the wii I can but I've never actually learned to play in actual life...I'd love to though."

"I can teach you," I said fanning myself.

"You can play guitar too?" he asked surprised. "What else don't I know about you?"

"I'm hot," I said simply.

Matt chuckled. "Now, THAT I knew."

I giggled. "No, I mean It's hot in here, let's go outside."

Matt nodded and led me out the back door to the porch off the kitchen. "So, how is it that you know how to play the guitar?" he asked as we set down on the steps leading off the porch.

"My brothers taught me, they can all play," I said taking another sip of my diet coke.

Matt cocked a brow. "Really? They don't strike me as musicians"

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