Burnin up

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As I sat in the passenger seat of Kevin's car I was torn between my feelings of utter frustration with him making me leave school and the overwhelming urge to vomit; Either way I found it best to keep my mouth shut for the short trip, I certainly didn't want anything spewing from my mouth and getting me into trouble, words or otherwise. When he pulled into the drive I made no effort to get out of the car, simply sitting there staring at the house in protest, Kevin yanked the keys from the ignition in frustration and quickly made his way around the car to open my door.

"Don't make me carry you," Kevin warned, his tone signaling he was in no mood for my defiance. I made the decision to call off the protest and head inside, I already felt like crap, I certainly did not want to add a freshly belted ass to my list of ills.

I walked in and immediately deposited my heavy backpack beside the door with a groan, not only would I be surrendering my weekend by coming home but the amount of homework I would have from missing half a day at Chilton was enough to make me vomit on the spot.

"Go upstairs, change out of your uniform and get in bed, I will be up in a minute to make sure you are squared away before I head back to school." Kevin instructed, quickly leafing through the mail before depositing it on the kitchen counter.

Rolling my eyes I started tromping up the stairs. "I'm not a baby Kev, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Oh, I know, you have displayed your impeccable ability to take care of yourself by staying at school all day when you are clearly sick." He countered sarcastically. "Upstairs, right now."

Knowing it was better to listen to him, I dragged my tired butt upstairs, quickly changing into my 'mingos before pouring myself into bed. Moments later Kevin's distinct knock sounded on my door, I mumbled a 'come in' before burying my face back into my pillow.

"I brought you Ginger Ale, some crackers, and I grabbed your cell phone from your backpack just in case you need to contact us." Kevin pointed a long finger in my direction. "Get some sleep and don't be on your phone the entire afternoon. Don't even push me on this one."

Yawning, I nodded. "Yessir. Sleep and don't be on the phone, got it."

"I mean it Cecelia Marie." Kevin shook his head before planting a kiss on my forehead. " I don't like seeing you sick so rest up and feel better soon."

Closing my eyes, I heard him leave the room before hearing the front door open then shut. Yawning again, I saw 11:20 flashing on my alarm clock. I mentally counted - I had 3 and a half hours of uninterrupted sleep . . . hmm a girl could get use to this.



Cracking open an eye, I groaned seeing not one, not two, but all three of my brothers standing in front of my bed with concerned parental looks on their faces. "How are you feeling, baby girl?" Nick asked leaning down and putting the back of his hand to my forehead.

"Like crap . . ." There was no sense in denying how I was feeling any longer.

"We need specifics." Joe crossed his arms over his chest like he was about to start dealing out punishments. Locking eyes with him, I immediately saw the look of concern in his eyes. "What is wrong?"

"Besides the fact that my date with Matt is now canceled . . ." Pushing a hand through my tangled mass of hair, I groaned. "My head is pounding, my stomach is churning, I'm just feeling blah."

Nick shook his head. "No date until the fever is gone for 24 hours. You're confined to that bed until all the rest of the symptoms disappear."

Knowing it wouldn't do any good to argue, I simply saluted my three brothers before throwing my comforter over my head and closing my eyes willing the pounding in my head to go away.


Nick's POV

I hated seeing Cee sick. I remember mom always freaking out whenever one of us was sick. She would quarantine the "sickie" in their room until the symptoms disappeared. I miss her and with Cece growing up and looking more and more like Mom, it was just a constant reminder that she was gone.

Knocking gently before pushing the door open I looked Cee over with a sigh. Placing my wrist on her forehead, I swore under my breath as her skin burned under my touch.

"MMmmrrffff." The mumbling came from under the comforter before I had a chance to retract my hand. "S'freeeezing in here!" she shivered. "By the way, how was your date with Cat?"

"You're burning up, Cee." I cautiously took a seat on the edge of her bed. "My date didn't happen. We rescheduled it due to us having a sick patient in the house. How do you feel?"

Groaning, she shifted in bed before throwing her arms out of her cocoon. "I feel like death."

Jutting my lip out in a sympathetic pout and patted her knee. "How about some soup?"

Groaning loudly, she threw an arm over her eyes. "I'm not in the mood to eat and I have a funky taste in my mouth from throwing up all night."

"How much were you up last night?"

Shrugging before grimacing, Cece groaned. "I was up at like 9 then around midnight a couple times and then again at like 4:30, that time I was up for a while before falling back asleep. I don't think I can throw up anymore, the last few times it was just dry heaving."

"You need to get something in your stomach."

Before she could reply, a coughing episode escaped her mouth. I grimaced listening to her almost cough up a lung. "That doesn't sound too good."

"Oh, its awesome, you should try it." She countered sarcastically.

Backing away, I headed towards the door. "We will hold off on the soup, Kevin and Dani will be by later while I'm on my date with Cat."

"Where's Joe going to be?"

I smirked. "Busy."


Cece POV

Dear God, kill me now. Seriously, not to sound overly dramatic, but I am fairly certain this is the most sick anyone has ever been in the history of forever. There was no way I would be seeing Matt or Morgan anytime soon, so I resorted to my only means of contact with the outside world. Picking up my phone, I sent an SOS text message to the usual suspects before throwing my phone on my comforter.

"Shouldn't you be resting instead of texting?"

Startled, I flipped my head around quickly, my hand immediately flying to the injured spot on my neck. "Ouch! Make a noise!"

Joe chuckled. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a poster child for Motrin." Looking up at my brother with tired eyes, I whimpered in sickness. "My head won't stop pounding and everytime I fall asleep I have these awful nightmares...I'm exhausted. What are you doing home anyway, Nick kind of insinuated that you were going on a hot date tonight."

Raising his bushy eyebrows, Joe smirked. "I've got a date with Romeo and Juliet."

I raised my eyebrows up and down, a smirk playing on my face. "Romeo AND Juliet . . . wow the Capulet and the Montague families must really love you."

"As much as I love you remembering your R&J knowledge, you need to get some sleep, when you wake up, we'll see about putting some nutrients into your body." Leaning over he kissed my forehead. "Love you Monkey. Sleep tight."

"Love you too Joey."

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