Was it Worth it?

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Nick made no attempt to leave instead he stood unmoving glaring in my direction until Joe stood between us and gently pushed him out the door, closing it behind him.

I lifted my eyes to meet his and sighed. "Nick is being completely unfair...Josh isn't the bad boy you guys think he is, you don't even know him."

"I know enough to know he is trouble." Joe scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "Like what?" I challenged.

"I know that he smokes, did you know that?" my eyes widened a bit at this information, he must not smoke much, he never smells like it...and he certainly didn't smoke around me today.

"No,so he smokes, that's not illegal." I defended.

"I know that he has been kicked out of SIX schools before coming to Chilton...SIX, and not just for skipping classes either; fighting, vandalism, not to mention a complete lack of respect for authority."

"Maybe because teachers treat him like he is the bad boy rather than getting to know him," I mumbled my snide comment growing frustrated.

"Well, was it worth it?" Joe asked crossing his arms over his chest, his tone still calm but firm.

I looked up to meet his eyes. "Was what worth it?"

"Breaking up with Matt, skipping school, worrying us," He said, his eyebrows knit together in frustration over my question, "for him...was it worth it?"

I could feel my body heat rising as my anger returned. "I didn't do it for him, I did it for me and yes, it was worth it."

"Good," Joe said nodding his head, "get your uniform back on, you are going back to school."

"Are you kidding? Last block has already started," I whined, completely thrown off by the unforeseen turn in our conversation.

"I'm not kidding, you are going back to school, get your uniform on, I will be in the car." With that Joe exited my room leaving me sitting there in utter shock, what the hell.

"Truancy Miss Jonas," Barked Professor Meyers as I entered my last block nearly fourty minutes late. I nodded and took my seat, all eyes were on me, particularly those of Morgan. When the bell rang signaling the end of class Morgan wasted no time making it to my side as I exited the room.

"What the heck is going on?" Morgan questioned seeming fully irritated "I heard a rumor you broke up with Matt."

"I did," I said simply turning down the main corridor and making my way to my locker.

Morgan's eyes grew huge with shock. "Are you serious? You have been in love with him for years, up until the other day he was the best thing since peanut butter in your life...what the hell."

"Yes, well, turns out he is just a big jerk, just like almost every other guy here at Chilton." I seethed opening my locker and depositing my books before grabbing my backpack and shoving in any needed materials for homework.

"ALMOST every guy?" Morgan questioned cocking a brow. "I also heard you skipped last block with the new boy."

"I did." I confirmed again simply, Morgan's eyes again widened with shock.

"So...you and him are..."

"Friends? Yes." I said not allowing her to continue with her assumptions, Morgan's shoulders slumped with disappointment. "Don't act so upset,what is your obsession with Josh anyway?"

Morgan shrugged, "I just like him, he reminds me of the male version of you. You two would be cute together."

I smiled and turned to my best friend giving her a hug, "I have to go."

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