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I was in my room mere minutes before my door opened and there stood two disappointed looking brothers. "What the heck was that?" Nick asked before jutting a strawberry yogurt and a spoon in my direction. “Eat” I glared at him before taking it reluctantly, peeling the top off and licking it before dipping in my spoon.

"What in the hell just happened downstairs?" Kevin roared as I flinched from his outburst, Kevin rarely cursed, the fact that he even said hell was a pretty good indication that he was not happy.

I sat on my bed eating my yogurt slowly in an attempt to buy me time. "He shouldn’t be here hanging around, we broke up and it verges on pathetic for him to go around thinking that things are going to go back to normal.”

“He was here for a guitar lesson CeCelia, one that you set up I might add.” Nick defended crossing his arms over his chest.

“Lessons with MY guitar that I never gave him permission to borrow, I might add.” I spat mirroring his comment.

"That guitar was a gift, one that can easily be taken away if you don’t change your tone,” Kevin seethed like an Alpha dog, I immediately backed down.

“I’m sorry but it’s just weird for me that he was here with his hands all over my most prized possession. Joe said that the way a guy treats a guitar is a good indication of how he will treat a girl and we know how he treats girls...he can’t be trusted.”

“So your solution to getting it back was to storm into the living room and spout off profanity?” Kevin questioned “And what was that part about you sneaking out to meet with him?”

I focused on my yogurt cup pretending not to hear the current question at hand. “Does this yogurt have chunks of fruit?” I questioned souring my face, “I hate chunky yogurt.”

“CeCelia Marie,” Kevin barked, “Answer me, right now.”

I looked to Nick for backup and he shook his head letting me know I was on my own for this one.


“Nick already punished me for sneaking out, it was a long time ago.” I said trying to dig around a strawberry to take another chunk free bite of yogurt.

“Yea, and apparently you lied about being at Morgan’s that night,” Nick added.

Damn Nick and his attention to detail.

"FINE! You caught me! I wasn’t with Morgan, I went to a movie with Matt, although I highly see how that is relevant seeing as how I already received punishment for sneaking out and he and I are no longer together which I believe was your threat in the first place when you thought I was with him…that I couldn’t see him again. Double Jeopardy says you can’t punish me twice for the same crime so I cussed, just hand me the punishment and get it over with because I am not in the mood." My sarcasm was thick as I challenged my two brothers.

Kevin stepped forward pointing a reproving finger in my direction. "First off, lose the attitude.”

 “Kevin, Joe and I are going to discuss what to do about punishment and we will let you know tonight after family dinner. Until then, you better be thinking about your attitude lately and how you're going to switch that around." Nick said walking out of my room.

Great, time to sit here and think about what I have done…awesome.

After the extra carbs from the yogurt kicked in and the post low fogginess wore off I found myself starting to regret my actions, what the hell was I thinking going off on Matt right in front of my brothers? I mean, yes, I needed to rescue my baby from him and yes, he is an asshole but I didn’t need to SAY that in front of them. Ugh, speaking of asshole, what the fuck with him ratting on me, what is he five? Grabbing my phone from under my pillow I shot Josh a text. ‘Matt is a total douche…OH and I might die tonight just FYI…if so I’m leaving you Zelda, which means you should stop smoking because I refuse to have her growing up in a smoking home.’ I pressed send and waited for a response, not a minute later my phone vibrated.

‘Duh. What did you do? Got a kid I am unaware of? Nag…’

I giggled rolling my eyes. ‘I may or may not have told off Matt in front of the brothers after he outed me about sneaking out to see him, Zelda is my Gibson. Smokey.’

‘NICE, what a douche, you just gained like 500 cool points. NAG.’

A smirk tugged at my lips. ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I was making out with Matt in his room and my shirt was off and…’

My phone sounded almost immediately. ‘…???? Not nice, you just lost points’

I couldn’t suppress the giggle that escaped my lips. ‘kissing me could be fun…just sayin’ I pressed send knowing I was being devilishly evil and seriously verging on inappropriate texting but convinced myself it was all for the greater good. I had to convince him to stop smoking if he was ever going to be accepted by my brothers.

‘So, if I quit smoking, I can kiss you?’

I looked at Josh’s response and felt my cheeks blush, there was no denying that Josh was attractive and we definitely had some chemistry but teasing him about kissing was really more of a ploy to get him to stop smoking. Josh was a friend, I didn’t think of him in that way. ‘I never said you could kiss me, I simply said I would never kiss someone who smokes.’

‘Where is my motivation? What is in it for me?’

I cocked a brow at my phone as if Josh could actually see my facial expression. ‘Healthy lungs?’

‘The better to kiss you with my dear…’

I sighed before pressing call on the phone and hearing Josh’s chuckle pour through the receiver. “Why are you so hell-bent on kissing me?”

“Why are you so hell-bent on not kissing me?” Josh countered without missing a beat.

“Josh, we are friends.”

“So? We could be friends with benefits.” Josh mused. I could hear his cocky smirk through the phone.

“Oh please that is just a term some guy came up with because he wanted to get laid without having to actually care.” I ranted.

“Who said anything about getting laid? I was just talking kissing,” Josh argued standing his ground, “besides, YOU are the one who doesn’t want to date, I was just suggesting an alternate arrangement. Clearly we have chemistry and we have a lot in common.”

“We have nothing in common!” I spat slightly amused “I don’t smoke, you do, I don’t even know what half of those drugs you were talking about are, and I am a virgin whereas you are somewhat of a manwhore…no offense.”

Josh chuckled. “Fine, we are both outcast, misunderstood youth.”

“I am not outcast!” I argued.

How dare he.

“Ok, you’re probably right, I’m sure it’s perfectly normal to spend your free time eating peanut butter from a jar under a tree in the cemetery.” Josh mused.

Fuck. He made a valid point.

“Ok FINE!” I spat feeling defeated “You stop smoking and I will kiss you…happy?”

Again I could hear his smirk through the receiver. “Very.”

Chapter End Notes:

It was amazing being at number one while it lasted, lets see if we can get it back there :P Thoughts on this chapter?  Predictions for next chapter?

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