Unicorns and Peanut Butter!!

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"I grabbed the wrong papers this morning," I said handing Joe a stack of coloring pages I had clearly grabbed by mistake in my haste that morning.

Joe took the papers and tried to stifle a smile unsuccessfully as he stared down at the drawing of a unicorn wearing sneakers. "Is that a dog?" he questioned, all look of authority gone as he cocked a brow trying to decipher the drawing.

"Joe!...that's CLEARLY a unicorn," I stated, seriously questioning his ability to teach me....who doesn't know the difference between a dog and a unicorn?

"How is that CLEARLY anything? How do you know it's a unicorn?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes "Because it's purple..." I stated plainly, as if that was all the explanation needed.

Joe nodded, "Right, with that logic, who could argue?" he said being snarky.

"Well, when was the last time you saw a purple dog?"

Joe shook his head and walked over to his desk drawer grabbing the tape. "I need that paper by the end of the day," he said as he proudly taped the unicorn picture up on the board behind his desk.

"I'll call Kevvy and have him pick it up on his lunch," I said gathering my bag.

"Don't make plans with Morgan today after school," he said turning to me as I walked toward the door. I turned and looked at him confused. "We need to discuss boys," he said clarifying.

I nodded my head and walked out of class to find Matt leaning against my locker waiting for me.

"So, what did he say about your paper?" Matt said as I walked up to my locker.

"He asked if it was a dog"

Matt cocked a brow in confusion. "Huh?"

I quickly turned the combination on my locker, grabbed my phone from the inside and called Kevin. "Hold on a sec I have to call Kevin" I said holding up a finger to signal Matt to hush. "Kevvy? I grabbed some of the girls coloring pages this morning instead of my paper, could you bring my paper back after lunch?" Matt chuckled now understanding the dog reference and shook his head.

"You really have a knack for getting yourself into situations," he said after I hung up with Kevin.

"It's a skill I have perfected over the years," I joked throwing my books into my locker.

"So, what do you want to do for lunch?"

I shrugged, "I'm not really that hungry."

"I've never actually seen you eat," Matt said cocking a brow. "You aren't one of THOSE girls are you?"

"I eat!" I spat closing my locker. "What do you mean by one of THOSE girls?" I questioned.

Matt shrugged, "You know...one of those girls that won't eat in front of boys...or that meticulously counts calories."

"I have three older brothers, if I had issues with eating around boys I would be dead."

"Touche" Matt said grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. "Well, IF you were to eat...what kind of stuff do you like? What is your favorite food?" he asked as we walked out of the school and aimlessly into the courtyard.

"Hrmmm...well, besides pasta...which is a given," I stated.

Matt nodded. "Obviously"

"Peanut butter," I said plainly, smiling as I remembered our kiss in the courtyard.

Matt cocked his brow, "Peanut Butter isn't a food, it's more of a condiment...that's like saying my name is Matt and my favorite food is ketchup."

At this point I knew Matt and I were destined to be together, because although ketchup was CLEARLY not a food, it was my favorite condiment on the planet, I put ketchup ON my ketchup...that's how much I love it.

I gasped dramatically, "I LOVE KETCHUP!" I said my eyes wide. Matt shook his head and smiled. "Besides, peanut butter is most definitely NOT a condiment."

"Well what about jelly?" Matt asked.

"Jelly is a condiment," I stated plainly.

Matt cocked a brow, "How is jelly a condiment but not peanut butter?"

I rolled my eyes as if it were the most ridiculous question I had ever heard. "For one, jelly has no nutritional value, it's just sugar, peanut butter is a protein, and I literally eat it by the spoonful, I rarely even bother with bread, let alone jelly."

Matt nodded, clearly defeated. "Ok then, simple enough, we can just go to my room and grab a sandwich...or a spoon and the jar in your case." He added with a wink.

I smiled, "Sounds good." Matt smirked and squeezed my hand. "What was that smirk for?" I said cocking my brow.

"You're just cute that's all," he said smiling. "I love that we just had an almost overly intense conversation about peanut butter, it kind of makes my day."

"Well, if you think that was intense, don't even get me started about the wonders of ketchup," I said flashing him a smile.

"Let me guess, second favorite food?" he said teasingly.

"Don't be ridiculous, ketchup isn't a food ...a staple next to air and shelter...but certainly not a food."

Matt stopped walking and tugged me back toward him cupping my face with his free hand before leaning down and kissing me softly.

Chapter End Notes:

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