Everything Happens For a Reason Bullshit

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Cee turned heading for the stairs and I quickly stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"To study."

I shook my head, "We are having a family meeting, there are some things we need to discuss."

Cee let out a frustrated sigh, "Can we do it later?"

"No, we will do it now."

"But I need to study," she argued causing my irritation to rise.

"Do we need to go back upstairs?" I questioned or rather threatened.

She immediately shook her head, "No Sir."

I nodded before jutting my finger toward the living room, she took my nonverbal instruction and walked over to the couch taking a rather uncomfortable seat choosing quickly to bring her legs up beside her and lean against the arm rest in an attempt to alleviate friction. I motioned for Joe and Cat to join us before taking a seat on the coffee table in front of Cee.

"Where did you go last night when you left Cat's?" I asked diving into my questions as soon as Joe and Cat made their entrance.

Cee's brows knit together in frustration, "I told you, I came home."

"Don't lie to me CeCelia," I warned.

"I'm not lying," she insisted her voice cracking as she visibly started to get upset. "I shouldn't have taken off last night," she said bringing her eyes to Cat. "I'm sorry that I was such a brat, I was mad before I even got there and I took it out on you. I wasted so much time catching up on assignments that I left myself no time to study for finals. I feel like I am so far behind and I'm starting to freak out. All I wanted to do last night was study but instead I got shipped off to your house for a slumber party without any say in the matter. You were being so nice but honestly I couldn't even enjoy it, all I kept thinking was how much time I was wasting when I could have been studying so I left." She said turning to me, "but I swear Nick I came straight home."

"And your little performance this morning with Cat," I prodded, "What was that about? You could have gotten away with the whole thing."

Cee shrugged, "I was mad at you and Joe for pawning me off, more often than not I'm starting to feel like a big inconvenience in your lives. I'm your responsibility, not hers. I was about to get away with running off and staying alone here all night all because neither of you even took the time to call and check in on me and I wanted to throw that in your face and make you feel bad, in hindsight I should have kept my big mouth shut because clearly the only thing I accomplished was to get my butt blistered." Cee let out a sigh of frustration. "I get that you guys don't need me, you aren't getting any younger, you should be dating and falling in love and having babies not raising your little sister. I wish that I didn't need you. I don't understand why I can't just go live on campus."


"I'm sure the dean would make an exception," she argued her voice starting to tremble as she visibly became more upset. "Then you could live your life and Joe could live his and I could live mine, separately the way it was supposed to be before they died and screwed everything up."

Her comment hit below the belt. Cee rarely mentioned Mom and Dad, in fact in the three years since the accident she had practically shut down anytime they were the topic of conversation. Save for the day when she skipped school I wasn't even sure she had even set foot in the cemetery, she downright refused to go with us. Hell, she hadn't even attended the burial, she just sat there under that tree and absentmindedly picked at the blades of grass like a little zombie. She didn't even cry. I struggled to find my voice after the proverbial gut punch. "This IS the way it's supposed to be Cee."

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