I Hate You

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Matt shot me looks of concern throughout the entire service. He could tell something was wrong and not knowing what it was appeared to be driving him crazy. I smiled internally celebrating the fact that he cared so much that it actually seemed to be causing him physical pain, that being said, I'm sure it paled in comparison to the amount of discomfort I was experiencing having sat almost an entire church service on a hard pew.

"What is wrong with you, Cecelia?" Joe whispered in my ear. "Sit still, you are acting like a five year old." That was hardly fair to the five year olds, truth be told all the little ones I saw in the service were well behaved, sitting still coloring or busying themselves with some other activity provided for them in the church kid kits. I, however, could not get comfortable to save my life. "Sorry," I said, shifting in my seat again. "I don't feel very well, excuse me," I said, standing from the pew and immediately welcoming the relief in my backside. I quickly made my way out of the pew, walking to the back of the sanctuary and out of the doors. By the time I made it to the fellowship hall, Matt had already caught up to me.

"CeCe!" he called out running up to me."What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied, rubbing the back of my neck, "I'm fine."

Matt cocked a brow, "You're lying," he accused.

How could he possibly know that? He has known me what? A week?

"I'm just tired," I said with a sigh.

Matt pulled out a chair from one of the tables and took a seat before scooting a chair out and patting it, signaling me to sit.

I'll stand, thank you.

"What's wrong?" He repeated. I opened my mouth to deny it again, and he cut me off. "Skip the lie," he instructed. "I know you too well." I rolled my eyes. I'm not sure what irritated me more, being called out on my lie or him claiming to "know me" after less than a week of dating. Matt noted my irritation with his claim. "We may have only dated for a few days, but I've been creepin' on you for a long time, Jonas," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "I know that something is wrong, and whatever it is, I know you are lying about it because you are rubbing your neck," he said, pointing to me. I quickly dropped my arm internally, cursing my subconscious fidgeting. "You do that when you are lying or stressed," he said. "Your brother Nick does the same thing."

Well frick, so the little creeper did know me more than I would like to admit.

"Nick was high last night." I said with a sigh. Matt's eyes widened, and I immediately realized that perhaps I should have clarified.

"He what?" he questioned, looking just as worried as he did shocked.

"No! no! That's not what I meant," I retracted. "I mean, his sugar was high." Matt expression turned to relief then quickly to that of confusion. "He is diabetic," I clarified.

"Oh," he said, still not understanding how Nick being diabetic would have anything to do with why I seemed upset.

"I'm kind of a night owl," I explained. "Anytime Nick wakes up and his sugar is off, he usually hangs out with me till he levels out...last night he was high." Matt cocked a brow, still seeming confused. I rolled my eyes. "He came upstairs, and I was gone," I said bluntly.

Matts eyes widened again in panic. "He knows you were..."

"No," I said, cutting him off. "I told him I was at Morgan's."

"Shit," he said, running his hands through his hair nervously.

"Yep," I said, popping my P. "He was in my room waiting for me when I crawled in my window."

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