1| Riley

157 7 20

"Is she finally asleep" Scott growled walking out of the ensuite with a towel in his hair drying it
"She is, for now at least" I said making him narrow his eyes at me, the eyes that were one a bright blue had now turned a dark shade of midnight 
One thing I cannot understand is how he can have so much annoyance and hatred for his own daughter
She's 2 weeks old and hasn't done anything to hurt him

"Riley, I'm not going to tell you again if she doesn't stay quiet the entire night. She'll fucking pay for it" He warned stepping towards her bassinet glaring down at her before looking at me over his shoulder
"Do I make myself clear?" He growled making me sigh and nod
"Crystal" I muttered underneath my breath before laying down on our bed turning off the bed side light fearing for the moment this entire room became dark
The moment the dark would settle in I knew I would be sleeping with the monster next to me 

I felt the bed move a few moments later before he turned off his lamp pulling the duvet up over the pair of us as he turned over so my back was securely against his chest
This used to be one of the places I felt safest. It used to be my favourite place to be but that cycle broke the moment he tainted them 

"She came between us Riley. Before she was around I had your full attention, you were mine" He whispered into my ear as his forehead rested against my shoulder. I closed my eyes for a moment trying to get the idea of him touching me out of my head 

Mollie didn't take me away from him at all, she didn't come between us. She's the only reason I'm still here.. but he wouldn't notice that 

"If I had known this, she would never have made it here" He grumbled underneath his breath hitch as soon as I hear those words 
I glanced over at Mollie, she had a small mobile on top of her bassinet with a small light to make it so that we could still see her in the dark
Her small little features completely unaware of the threat to her that is currently laid behind me 

Scott took it a step too far tonight, Mollie was having a rough night. She does more often then not at the moment and it seems to only trigger his anger more 
At first it was all directed at me and I didn't mind. I could handle it, I would put up with it if it meant I was protecting Mollie
But tonight he turned on her..
She had been crying for over an hour and refused everything, a bottle, a nappy change, a swaddle. I tried everything..
Scott stormed into the living room from his office and grabbed her from my arms, the roughness in his grab was enough for me to realise if I hadn't taken her back, there is no telling what he would have done 

"I just want us back baby" He whispered pressing a kiss against my neck before he turned over hopefully heading to sleep..

The moment he was asleep, it was go time.


I gave it an hour after I heard his short snores filled the room. In the time I had managed to turn over a few times to make sure the smallest movement wasn't going to wake him up
He needed to stay asleep, to stay oblivious in order for us to get out 

As soon as i felt the coast was clear, I got up from the bed. I wanted to remove Mollie instantly but I knew that it would be faster for me to pack some stuff with her still asleep. I just had to hope that she wouldn't wake up either 
This wasn't going to be easy. I had to leave her alone in this room with him. The chance of one of them waking up was rather large but it was a risk I had to take 

The moment I had everything packed, I put it all instantly into the car. I had a foldable bassinet for Mollie, clothes, nappies, formula. Everything she could need for the time being 
I didn't need much for myself, that was all stuff I could get on the run if needed 

But right now I needed to get out of here as fast as I could..

I walked back into the bedroom to see the pair of them still fast asleep, I walked over to Scott's bedside table taking my rings off placing them down on the table, but the moment I made contact with the wood his entire body shifted and I thought it was game over 
He soon mumbled something under his breath before cuddling into the pillow and slipping back into a deeper sleep 

Walking over to Mollie, she looked as innocent as you ever. Sleeping peacefully unaware of the situation she was stuck in the middle off. 
I took her mobile off of her basinet knowing that in the long run it'll be the only to keep her asleep 
"Come on baby" I whispered cooing to her in the hope that the transfer would be simple and easy and she wouldn't wake up

But i was sorely mistaken...

The moment I picked her up, she let out a screeched which only then woke Scott up 
"Shut her up!" He yelled only making the situation worse as he grabbed a pillow throwing it at the two of us 
"I'm trying, I'm going to take her into the garden to calm he-" I started

"Riley I don't give a shit just shut her up before I do" He yelled back making me sign before turning walking out of the bedroom door shutting it tightly knowing I would never have to go back in there
We were out of the monster's den now..

By the time I got Mollie to the car, she was wide awake looking at me with his innocent blue eyes. I loved her eyes but I hated the fact they were so similar to his...
"It's just us now baby girl" I whispered pressing my lips on top of her head getting into the drivers seat 

As soon as I started the ignition, I took one final look at the house and for the first time in forever.. I smiled
We were finally safe..

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