10| James

70 4 17

"New guy is in your office" Luke said as I passed him, Riley and Mollie hadn't come with today. If I remember correctly, Riley is taking Mollie to a baby group this morning in the hope it'll help both of them socialise
"Thanks" I said walking towards my office 
Lately I've been wanting to spend more time at home, out and about. I haven't been focused on Lost and Found which isn't good. Mr T gave me this place to run it not to slack off
So hiring someone to help was the best I could think of
It meant that I could stay home with Riley and Mollie more often while also being active here

"Hey, Seth right?" I asked making the blonde in front of me nod standing up
There was a little bit of familiarity on his face. I couldn't pin point where I had met him before but he really did look familiar from somewhere
"Have we met before?" I asked but Seth shook his head

"Not that I am aware of? I mean I only moved to the city a couple of weeks ago" He explained 
"Oh yeah? What caused the sudden change?" I asked
"Let's just say I'm sorting out some loose ends" He shrugged making me raise a brow
"Now I want to know more" I laughed earning the same response from him 

"Well obviously as you know I'm looking for an assistant manager for this place. I'm the only one at the moment and I've got a lot going on personally that needs my attention" I explained
"New kid?" He asked nodding over to a photo on my desk

It was back when Mollie would latch onto anything and everything, Riley got to close so Mollie attackedIt truly is one of my favourite pictures of the pair of them but Riley has other opinions

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It was back when Mollie would latch onto anything and everything, Riley got to close so Mollie attacked
It truly is one of my favourite pictures of the pair of them but Riley has other opinions

"Yeah, something like that" I chuckled smiling at the photo
"She's cute, what's her name" Seth asked 
"Mollie" I answered before turning back to look at him to see he wasn't even looking at the photo anymore. He was looking directly at me with an expression I couldn't quite read
"Right, enough about that. Shall we get on with the interview?" I offered earning a short nod 

The rest of the interview went off without a hitch, there were a few occasions where I noticed his gaze lingering on the photos of Riley and occasionally Mollie 
It wasn't enough to ring any alarm bells, but enough for me to know not to give the boy a key to my office

"How did it go?" John asked as I joined them all in the staff room
"fine, I mean he's starting with us on Monday" I explained
"But do me a favour and keep an eye on him. Let me know if anything odd happens?" I asked
"Odd how? Because with us around -" Luke started
"I'm being serious Luke. Just keep an eye on the boy" I said standing up heading out the door knowing the Riley and Mollie would probably be home by now 


As soon as I walked into the flat the noise of the TV filled the flat but that was all I could hear
Usually I would be able to hear Riley playing with Mollie, even occasionally singing to her but that wasn't the case today

The moment I walked into the living room it all made sense
Riley was laid on the sofa with Mollie cuddled up on her chest. From the looks of it the pair of them had fallen asleep when they got in but only one of them was asleep now
"Hey bug" I whispered pressing a kiss on her head taking her from Riley's arms 
The moment Mollie realised what was going on she looked at me and started smiling kicking her legs about making me chuckle 

"Let's leave Mummy to sleep huh?" I asked
"Oh Mollie" I groaned when the worst smell started to fill the air 
"Now I'm not sure if Mummy is sleeping or if you've knocked the poor woman out" I said earning another cheeky grin as the pair of us started heading to her nursery

A few hours had passed, Mollie was now tucked up in bed and Riley still showed no sign of life on the sofa
Or at least that is what I thought until she abruptly sat up while I was in the kitchen cleaning up all the dishes from the day

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said earning an eyeroll as she came over jumping up onto the counter next to me
"When did you get home?" She asked
"Around 6pm, you were fast asleep with Mo" I said making her pout slightly
"You could have woken me up" Riley said playing with her hands
"Now why would I do such a thing" I asked placing my hand on top of hers to stop her
"Why wouldn't you?" She rebutted
"Because you look like you hadn't slept in a month Ri, you clearly needed it" I said earning a sigh from her

"I haven't" She whispered trying to move her hands to pick at her fingers but I moved mine in time with her stopping her once again

"Why not? I thought my sleeping here was helping?" I offered
"It was, it is I just-" She started
"Come on, talk to me Ri" I whispered using my free hand to raise her chin up so she's looking at me

Usually communication between the both of us has been great, like we talk about plans for the days, we talk about whatever is bothering us but I can tell from one look at Riley right now something is playing on her head 

"I lied to you" She said making me tilt my head at her
"What?" I whispered
"Mollie and I weren't at a baby group this morning. We haven't even looked into one yet" Riley whispered back making me continue to look at her confused
"What is going on Riley?" I asked, I really didn't understand what was going on, why she lied or what lead to this point 

"Mollie and I were at the courtroom. I wanted to know what my options were" Riley said making me raise a brow
"I don't want to be tied to him, I don't want any of this. I want his name off of Mollie's birth certificate but I didn't know what to do" She whispered, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes this time
"This is going to be so messy James" She mumbled 

I looked at her shaking my head before stepping closer making her crane her neck higher to look at me
"You aren't doing it alone Ri, I promise" I whispered looking at her

"I shouldn't have ever left, I shouldn't have left you behind. If I hadn't-" She started but I shook my head leaning down pressing my lips against hers
Her first reaction was a small gasp before her arms lifted up wrapping around my neck pulling me as close as she possibly could

"I don't care that you left Ri, you're here now and that is all that matter" I whispered leaning our foreheads against each other pecking her lips again earning a soft smile 

One I would love to see every damn day

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