12| Riley

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As soon as we were able to see her we did. James and I let Hunter go in first to talk to her, I think that he needed to know she was okay more then anything right now
Right now all I want to know is where Mollie is, what is going on but we're at a dead end
We had spoken to more then a dozen officers tonight and none of them have any knowledge of where she is 

We don't know where she is, if she's okay, who took her
I mean it doesn't take a genius to guess who took her but it's been 8 months since we left Scott, why was he only just doing something now.. 

And why would he take the one person he blamed for all of this..

"Are are going to get her back Ri" James whispered wrapping his arms around me tighter
"Please don't make me a promise you can't keep James" I whispered standing up walking away

I knew he meant well, I know he was trying to be strong and that this was probably hurting him just as much as it is hurting me but I can't let him get into my head the thought that all of this will be okay 
Because we can't guarantee that 
There is no telling what Scott will do to Mollie, he hates her. He thinks that she was the cause of all of problems, he's oblivious to the thought of there being a problem before Mollie came around 

"Come in Riles" Hunter said making Emily look over at me, she was laid in bed and she did not look good. She was covered in dark purple bruises, there were cuts and scraps across her arms and her legs making it obvious that what ever went, Emily put up a huge fight 

"I'll leave you girl to talk" Hunter said offering both of a small smile before kissing Emily's forehead walking out of the room

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know where to start. I don't even know what is going on in Emily's head but if I know her like I do she'll be blaming herself

"It wasn't him" Emily said making me look at her confused as I headed over to the seat Hunter had just been seated in
"I've met the boy, I've looked him in the eye and I know for a fact the guy who broke in tonight was not Scott Riley" She said placing her hand on top of mine

"I'm so sorry that I let you down and I let someone take her but I'll die trying to get her back to you I swear an-" She started but I shook my head motioning her to move over in her bed
The moment she did I joined her, allowing my arms to wrap around her securing us both into one of the tightest hugs we've experience but both of us needed that right now

"I'm not blaming you Em, you did everything you could to protect her and I'm so sorry that you are in this position right now" I whispered placing my head against hers
"I'm so sorry that you got hurt because I ran, I'm sorry that they ever laid a finger on you" I whispered before Emily turned her head to meet my eye

"I would do it all over again in a heartbeat Riles" She whispered with a big sigh leaving the pair of us 


"So we believe her father has taken her? Scott Carson?" Someone asked, I could only guess that I had fallen asleep in the bed with Riley by the current darkness, I could have opened my eyes to see what was going on but I didn't
"Yes" James voice said 
"Is there any reason why he shouldn't have any visitation with her?" The officer from earlier asked, the only other voice I could recognise

"Riley let Scott around 8 months ago. He was abusive towards both Riley and Mollie. They have had no contact since and Riley has filed for a divorce. She was still waiting to hear back in regards to any other paths she could take to keep him away" James explained perfectly
"Okay did she file for a divorce recently?" The officer asked 
"I believe so, but I can't say for sure" James answered
"Well I think it's safe to say that was the stressor" Another voice said
"A stressor?" James continued to ask
"In cases like this, one where one parents taken a child it's usually because of a bigger factor. Something that sort of tipped them over the edge. So in this case I think Riley filling for divorce was enough for Scott to realise he had lost her" The officer explained

"We have an amber alert out for Mollie. We've got multiple photo's circulating the media and all the evidence we have gain from Emily has been sent off" They explained
"The moment we get any news, we'll be sure to keep you and Riley update" They concluded before a big shuffle and then silence. Which probably means they had just left

"I know you aren't asleep Ri" James' voice whispered making me open my eyes slightly to see him sat in chair next to me, I looked over my shoulder to see Hunter and Emily in the same position 

"Come here" James whispered making me look back at him. Neither of us moved for a moment but I was soon to cave, I took the blanket off of my legs pushing myself off of the bed making the short walk over to James
The second I was over there he wrapped his arms around my pulling me onto his lap holding my close
The one place I needed to be right now 

"She's gone" I whispered as James' head fell to my shoulder with a big shakey breath
"I know" He whispered back

"I want her back" I cried which only made James pull me in tighter
"i know" He continued
"If you want to run after this Riley, I won't blame you but let me come with" He said making me shake my shoulders causing him to look up
"If you want to pick up and move, find somewhere else where he can't get to you both then I'll go. I'll drop everything but please don't leave me again" He whispered

His eyes were glazed over with tears threatening to fall just like mine had been all night
He wasn't just devastated that Mollie wasn't with us, he was scared he was about to lose both of us...

"Please" He begged making my frown deeper before turning in his arms using one of my hands to gently cup and stroke his cheek to soothe him as much as I could
"We aren't going anywhere, even if we do.. I'm afraid you are stuck with the two most annoy girls you know" I said making him chuckle lightly through the tears

"Annoying of not, you're both my girls and I don't want it any other way" He whispered leaning forward to press our lips together 

Mollie and I were always supposed to be James' girls..

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