3| James

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"Riles what are you doing here?" Thalia asked hugging her tightly, all it took was on look at Riley's face to know that something bigger was going in then a spontaneous visit
"I uh, I" She stuttered before looking over at Michelle who wrapped an arm around her shoulder
"She is going to be staying here for a while" Michelle said resting her had on top of Riley's before a small noise brought all of our attention down to the baby in Riley's arms 

"She is even more beautiful in person" Thalia gushed stroking Mollie's cheek calming down the fuss she had started 
"I should really put her to bed. We've been driving for a while" Riley whispered sounding a little guilty
"Oh yeah, you live like 2 almost 3 hours away don't you?" Eldon asked making Riley nod while I raised a brow

There was nothing good going through my head when I try to think of the reasoning behind Riley coming back in the middle of the night with a new born in her arms 

"Do you want some help bringing your things in?" I offered, Riley looked over at me instantly and offered the smallest of smiles but I'll take it regardless
"Are you sure, I mean I'm sure I can-" She started before I shook my head rolling my eyes at her motioning to the door
"Lead the way" I said watching as Riley repositioned the new born in her arms
"Here let us take her while you get settled" Eldon offered but the moment he stepped forward to take the baby from Riley she froze for a moment before shaking her head and handing Mollie to Eldon

The last time I'd seen Riley's head shake like that was back when we were kids and she was stuck in her head.. Something tells me that is exactly what just happened too..

It only took us 10 minutes tops to get everything into the room. It was the room opposite the one I always occupy when we all stay over
I turned to look at Riley who was fixating on something on the dresser. Once again another sign of hers that she is stuck in her head

I don't know what caused this, I don't know what led her here tonight but the more time I spend with Riley, the more I'm realising it isn't anything good 

"I'm not going to make you talk Ri but are you okay?" I said softly but Riley still jumped at the sound of my voice. She dropped whatever was in her hand before turning back around to face me
"I don't know" She whispered making me raise a brow at her
"I thought that getting out of there, getting away from it would stop this feeling but it's following me" she said before looking down
"It's like I'm being haunted" She whispered this time playing with here hands
"What feeling?" I asked 
She didn't have to tell me and I had a suspicion that she might keep it to herself, but I was open ears if she wanted me 

"I can't" She whispered. I stayed silent for a moment not sure what to say or if Riley was finished
"If I tell you then it becomes real" She said a little louder
"I'm not going to push you Ri but whatever you tell me can stay between us if that helps?" I offered. I had no idea what I was up against right now..

"The longer we aren't in his house the tighter I feel his grip. Whether it's around my arm, my body, my throat. He might not be here right now but that feeling still is" She whispered making me widen my eyes looking at her, but the moment her eyes locked with mine I softened them instantly 

"He hit you?" I asked taking a step closer, Riley bit her lip looking up at me with a subtle nod. But the moment she moved her head she whimpered and started to fall down to the ground
Advancing forward fast, I quickly grabbed a hold of her before she made any contact with the floor
"It's okay, it's okay.. I've got you" I whispered holding her tightly

I don't know who the hell brought her to this, but I can promise you that when I find out.. It won't be pretty 


"Where is she!" A voice yelled the next morning causing all of us to jump as we sat in the living room. Riley and Mollie were still asleep as far as any of us knew
"Nice to see you too Em" Michelle said going over to greet her but as soon as Michelle was close enough Emily pushed her away rushing through the house in search of Riley

"What is going on?" West asked
"Yeah what's with the abrupt entrance?" Eldon asked directing the question at Hunter who stood in the living room where Emily had once stood 
"You text her that Riley was here last night didn't you?" Hunter asked Michelle who nodded
"That's why she is here?" Hunter continued
"But why so - well Emily?" Michelle asked 

"Emily hasn't heard from Riley in almost 2 years. Her Husband was a pure psychopath when it came to her talking to anyone and-"He started to spit out
"And I don't think this story is yours to tell?" I warned him making him tilt his head at me with a small smirk 

"Looks like Jiley still go back to their old ways" he answered making me roll my eyes at him
After Riley broke down last night, we spoke a lot. About things she's missed over the last few years, any big things I missed in her life. But she didn't mention Scott at all and I think that was the only thing that calmed her down, knowing we didn't have to talk about him

It didn't take long from Riley to make her way out of the bedroom with Emily hot on her trails. It was no shocker that Mollie was in Emily's arms, she always was a baby person. Hence why she would always run Dance Camp when it was on
"Hey stranger" Hunter said turning her attention to him, she offered him a small smile before going over and hugging him
"Please tell me you have coffee Michelle? And for future reference if Emily storms in like that again, calm her down before she attacks" Riley said pointing to Emily 
"you ever wake her up like that again Em and you'll be dealing with putting her back to sleep" Riley said making Emily roll her eyes as she focused on the baby in her arms 

"Well I think we've had enough Emily dramatics for one day. Why don't we all go and do something today?" Michelle suggested, we all looked amongst ourselves before our attention turned to Riley
"You sure you can put up with a baby on an outing?" she asked making most of us nod

"It'll be another adventure" I offered earning an eyeroll but also a soft smile which Riley soon hid behind her coffee cup

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