15| James

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"Right, Ri and I will head into her old town, you and mum will be heading to their holiday home and -" I started before Piper interrupted
"Finn and I will head towards Riley's old college house, we've been over this plan 20 times James, we know what we are doing. Let's go get Mollie back" Piper said with a confident smile

Dad's genius yet also potentially detrimental idea was full in motion right now
The moment Riley told me I knew that was all she would be fixating on until we at least attempted it 
I can't blame Dad for the idea, I'm sure one of us would have also suggested it later down the line but I can't help but think this might be getting Riley's heart up to be shattered
The police would have all this information but haven't found anything? Why would we be able to?

I want nothing more then to have Mollie back but I don't want to lose Riley in the process either

"Usually I'm the one stuck in my head" Riley's voice said breaking me out of my head just like she has presumed 
"What's wrong?" She asked placing her hand on top of mine that was currently gripping the gearstick a little too tightly 

"I don't want you break your heart" I whispered making her look at me confused
"Am I missing something James? Are you planning on doing something that would break-" She started
"I want Mollie home and I love this idea but I don't know if we will find something" I answered making her sign and nod

"There is nothing more in this world that I would love then to bring her home James, it's all I think about constantly but I also know how illogical it is to think that we have more power over this then the police do" She explained
"I know there is a risk that we would come home empty handed" She continued
"But wouldn't you be kicking yourself constantly if you didn't try every possible thing to bring her home to us?" She asked, I took another look at her offering her a small smile and a nod 

Because she was right, if we didn't try everything we could - Neither of us would be okay 

"As much as Scott might be her biological father James, you are Mollie's Dad. You're the boy who's been by her side since the moment you met her. I don't think there is a single tantrum that you've missed, you've been there for every sleepless nights. Hell there are times I am convinced you know her better then I go" Riley said giggling slightly 
"So let's stop with the pity party, let's go and try bring our baby home" She said placing her hand back on top of mine 

I took in a big break of air nodding turning my hand over to intertwining our fingers, before bringing them up to my lips kissing them lightly 

"Let's go find our girl" I said earning another soft smile from Riley 


"This is the town you lived in?" I asked looking around as Riley and I walked through the town centre
In all honesty, this is exactly the type of place I pictured Riley ending up. A small town covered in flowers, the type of town where everyone knows everyone. A tight knit community 
"Yeah, When I found out about Mollie we moved here. I wanted somewhere like this to be where Mollie grew up. Things have changed now and she'll have to grow up in the city but this was the dream" She said sighing
"Before he tainted it at least" She muttered under her breath

 I want to give Riley this. Not this town, never this town but I want her to have this and more. I want her to have a place for Mollie to grow up, the place she had envisioned. When this is all over, that's my plan, that will be the goal

"He doesn't have her" I heard Riley whisper making me look up at her, her face was riddled with pain and worry but as I followed her gaze I could see why
"Is that Scott?" I asked earning a nod 

He was sat in a coffee shop with a red head in front of him. He seemed to not have a care in the world, like his entire life hadn't picked up and walked out the door months ago 
I wasn't expecting him to be heartbroken about it but he's a little too normal for this to be happening

"James he doesn't have her.. If he doesn't have her the who does?" Riley asked looking at me with big pleading eyes. I want to give her an answer but I truly do not have one right now

"She's out there somewhere with a complete and utter stranger. Someone took her for no reason? Someone has her and it isn't her father" Riley said pulling at her hair 
"I don't get it, who? Who would take Mollie, who even knew about her besides the gang?" She said frantically

I moved over to her pulling her hands out of her hair before she pulled it all out and wrapped her arms around me as I pulled her against my chest letting my shirt swallow up the sobs that broke through the moment she was safely in my arms
"I don't know Riley, I really wish I did. But I promise you that we -" I started
"Don't make a promise you aren't able to keep James. We aren't going to get her back" Riley cried louder 

I held her as tight as I possibly could but it was no use the sobs continued until my mind was pulled else where
My phone started to vibrate in my pocket, as soon as I pulled it out I could see Mum's contact popping up 
"Ri, it's Mum" I said before Riley's head raised so fast I was convinced she was going to have whiplash
"Mum?" I said as soon as I picked up the phone putting it on speaker

"We have her James. We have Mollie!" She said making both mine and Riley's eyes widen and fill with more tears

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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