13| James

91 6 17

"how is she?" John asked, I had come into Lost and Found briefly to pick up some things before going back home to meet with Riley. 
I left while she was still sleeping in the hope that I could be back before she woke up but with how sporadic both of our sleep schedules have been over the last few days, I don't know how likely that could be 
"How are both of you?" Luke said making me shrug

"Surviving" I murmured heading to my office noticing there was no light on in Seth's office which was directly next to me

"Where is Seth? I text him saying he was working this week while I sorted this all out" I said looking back over at the boys
"No idea, he hasn't been in since the day we filled up those balloons" Theo said making me screw up my face
"He just hasn't shown up? And nobody has heard from him at all?" I asked and they all shook his head 

This boy just gets stranger and stranger. He's gone off of the grid and hasn't bothered to let his job know?
That doesn't sit right with me at all

I took out my phone attempting to call him but was surprised to find that it went straight to voicemail. Looking over our texts I'd only just noticed they had shifted to greens texts apposed to the previous blue iMessage..
What is going on

After grabbing everything I needed I headed back over to the boys who looked we're even supposed to be here if I'm honest but I'm glad they were
"Since my assistant manager is MIA could you please keep an eye on the place. If you need anything then give me a call alright?" I asked earning nods from them all before sighing 
"Is there anything we can help you with at all?" John asked placing his hand on my shoulder but I shook my head just as fast 

The fact of the matter was that until we had an update, until we had any news Riley and I were both going to be sticking on this spiral 

Mollie may not be my daughter but she is a lot more then just my girlfriends kid. I've watched her grow up from the age of 2 weeks old. I've held her while she cried out, I'm the person she favours over others, I'm her comfort and fuck she is mine too...

We need her back 


I walked back into the flat and by the smell of coffee it was obvious that Riley was awake. She would probably be awake for the rest of the night now if she had her way
We'd spoken a few times but most of the time it is just the two of us sitting in silence. We don't know what to say, we can barely comprehend what is going on

I can't even begin to imagine how she feels. Mollie isn't biologically mine and it is already killing me, Mollie is a part of Riley so I just know that this is going to be eating her up even more 

"She was on the news" Riley voice said making me look over to the window where she sat on the window ledge with the cup of coffee balanced on her knee as she turned to look at me
The look on her face could only be described as empty.

"It was the picture you had taken of her at the park last week. The one on the slide" She said softly tapping her mug with her finger tips
"How can things go from being so good to being this empty" Riley said before looking at us
"We should never have left her" She said looking directly at her
"If we get her back we aren't ever-" She started before I cut her off

"When we get her back Ri, I'll be wrapping the pair of you in bubble wrap and locking you up" I said taking a step towards her

She took one look at me, I thought that comment may have been some sort of comfort but I was met with the same blank expression
I want Riley to talk to me, I want her to open up, let anything out but I'm still sitting at on the side lines
More then anything right now I want to help her, I want to be there for her but if she keeps pushing me aside the only thing I can do is watch and help in the after math

"I'm going for a walk" She mumbled standing up grabbing a jacket
"Can I come-" I started but Riley was already out of the door.. 

A few hours had passed and I truly thought that Riley would have come back. Part of me had thought about running after her but knowing what is going on in her head meant I knew she needed some time by herself
She's going to be overwhelmed with emotions, the last thing she needs is a mad man chasing after her

"James honey?" A familiar voice said knocking on the front door
"Hey Mum" I sighed as she let herself in at the sound of my voice 
She took one look at me and sighed nodding before heading over to me pulling me into a tight hug 
"How are you?" She asked still holding me tightly
"How is Riley?" She continued
"She isn't here" I mumbled causing mum to pull away to look at me

"What do you mean she isn't here?" Mum asked 
"She left a few hours ago saying she needed a walk" I said 

"She's struggling" Mum whispered as I nodded
That was an understatement
"I know that Mollie isn't mi-" I started before Mum grabbed a hold of my hands
"Don't you dare finish that sentence my sweet boy" She said making me tilt my head to look at her

"Biologically or not, you are Mollie's father. This other guy is irrelevant. You are the one who has been there from the start, you've comforted that baby girl through everything to the point she is attached to you more then she is to Riley. That isn't meant to any offence of Riley, that's just a observation" She explained
"Mollie loves you and we all can see that you are her father figure and growing up she'll learn that you are her father, blood or not James" She continued making me offer her a small smile

"She isn't wrong" A voice said behind us, I turned to see Riley hanging up her coat and taking her shoes off.
At this point Mum had kissed my cheek before disappearing somewhere leaving Riley and I in the kitchen alone

"I've been selfish James, she might be my daughter but I agree with your Mum. I think she is yours to" She whispered, I stepped forward to take a hold of her hand placing my forehead against her 

"I'm sorry" She whispered but I shook my head leaning forward pressing out lips together
"You don't need apologise for anything Ri" I whispered back 
"I just want her back so bad" Riley cried letting a tear fall
"Me too babe, me too" I whispered kissing the top of her forehead

"She'll be back home soon. I know it" I prayed closing my eyes as I pulled Riley in tightly not wanting to let her go

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