5| Riley

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It's been an entire week and it's still radio silence, I know I should take that as a blessing but knowing Scott how I do.. Silence is never a good thing 

"And that's the last of it, but I can't help but notice Ri you barely have anything for yourself" James said placing the last box in the living room. I had used the little savings I did have to buy some new things that would be needed like a proper crib for Mollie, some crockery, daily essentials and all of that
"I have what I need" I shrugged picking up another set of Mollie's clothes folding them into piles to put in her room
"Really because I didn't see a bed or anything for you?" James said making it dawn on my he was right 

"It's okay,  I can crash on the sofa or something" I said but James instantly narrowed his eyes at me shaking his head
"Give me 20 minutes" He said
"What are you-" I started before he had practically ran out of the room

I won't lie, in the last week James has been more of a blessing then I think he'll ever realise but I also hate the fact I feel like I'm depending on him 
He's practically spent every waking moment at Michelle's with me and Mollie. Mollie seems to love him to the point there have been a few occasions where I haven't managed to soothe her but the moment James tries she's the happiest baby 

I've already hurt her once with my choice in her father, I can't let someone close enough to do it again..

After getting through a few boxes, I headed back to the living room where Mollie was awake in her basinet, usually when she wakes up if she can't see someone she'll cry out until someone goes to her but for the first time she laid there happily silent 
What is going on

"Hey baby" I smiled watching as she tried to raise her head up to getting a little closer but let's just say we haven't mastered the art of that just yet
As soon as I picked her up she let out her usual sort of squeak which I would always class as her happy noise 
"What do you think of the place?" I asked walking through the apartment with her stopping at her nursery
I had always wanted her to have one but Scott told us we didn't have the room in his apartment. Apparently giving up a study or a game room was too much to ask in order to give his daughter somewhere to sleep

"This is your room, it's all yours" I smiled looking around the pink painted nursery, it was a decent size and even had a balcony that would remain locked for her own safety, but I can't help but think it will help me in the long run. Especially when she is having a bad colic episode, the cold air will help both us through that 

This was home and for once it actually felt like it


"Ri?" James' voice called making Mollie's head turn slightly towards where his voice came from. I could hear the mumble of a few more voices meaning James was most likely not alone. That or the boy has gone insane and is talking to himself 
Mollie and I walked out in to the living room and the sight out there was enough to make me widen my eyes

"Oh sweetie" Deborah said, her eyes filling with tears just like mine had
James' family has always been a family to me. From when we were teenagers and I needed somewhere to go where I wasn't overwhelmed. I could always turn to any of them without them judging me or anything 
Deborah was first to step forward followed shortly by James' Dad Darren and Piper.
God Piper..
She wasn't the little girl she was when I left, she was a full blown woman now. She grew up without me even noticing 

"Look at you, both of you" Deborah said cupping my cheeks before looking down at Mollie
"You did good kiddo" Darren said coming over hugging me the moment that Deb had taken Mollie out of my arms 
"Thankyou Darren" I smiled hugging him back before turning to Piper 

After one glance, her cautious glance soon turned into a smile as she stepped forward instantly pulling me into a hug that we both truly needed

"So James here told us that you haven't even got a bed for yourself young lady" Darren said making me glare at him
"Hey you weren't going to listen to me and don't act like you would" He said pointing at me causing Mollie to look over at him making a few of her usual baby coos making James chuckle 

"See even bug knows I'm right" He smirked making me roll my eyes at his new nickname for Mollie. It's always bug or Mo but I can't help but love it really 

"So we're going to take the pair of you shopping and I don't care how much you fight us Riley, you aren't paying for a single thing" Darren said
"I don't want to take Mollie out today. She's been out every day we've been back here and I think she needs a day just inside. Getting used to her surroundings" I explained
"Then Mum and I will stay with Mollie while you go with the boys. If we send them alone god knows what they'll come back with" Piper laughed 

But I took one look at Mollie and i don't know, I couldn't stomach the idea of leaving her here. I know she is safe with them and I know that I can trust them 
But I can't leave her 

"No it's okay, we'll take her with us and-" I started
"Riley you can leave her wit-" Piper started
"No" I snapped cutting her off before going to take Mollie from Deborah's arms heading back towards her room

I didn't mean to snap at them, god that was the last thing I had planned but I can't leave Mollie. What if Scott came back and it was just Piper and Deborah? What if something happened with Mollie and I wasn't there?
What if something happen to me and I never got to come back to her

"Hey" A voice said making me wipe my eyes before turning around to see James leaning against the door
"I'm sorry, I didn't-" I started but he shook his head coming over to stand next to Mollie and I
"You don't need to apologise Ri, they were overstepping. You know what Mum and Pipes are like" he said before looking down at Mollie 

"How about we do it all online, we'll grab my laptop and order it then Dad and I can go pick it up?" He offered
"James you guys really don't need to do any of this, I have enough to function" I explained but he shook his head
"I don't care Riley, you need to have things for yourself as well as Mollie. If you aren't 100% Mollie won't be either. You both need to look after each other" He reminded me making me sigh 

"I didn't mean to snap at them" I sighed allowing James to step closer pulling the pair of us into a hug 
"They know you don't mean it Ri" He whispered 

I really really didn't meant it..

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