9| Riley

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"You guys have been here for over a month Riley and this is the first time that I've seen you on your own" Emily smiled as we sat in the Café just down the road from Lost and Found 
Mollie was now 2 months old and it was mental how much she had already changed since being here
"What is that supposed to mean" I asked
"I mean it in a good way Riles, usually you are with Mollie and James or just Mollie. This is the first time it's been just Riley" She said 

"Well James offered to watch her so we could have a peaceful lunch. Plus she's been rather attached to him recently to the point that she'll occasionally sleep in the living room with him" I chuckled taking a sip of my drink
"Just Mollie? Or do you make it a family event?" She smirked making me roll my eyes

James has stayed every single night since the night of my panic attack. I've told him that he doesn't need to do it anymore but he would always ask if I want him to stay. I don't think that answer will ever be no.. 
So he's still around, more often then not. At this point most people would assume he lived with us 

"James and I are-" I started
"Destined to be together yeah we knowww" Emily smirked while I rolled my eyes again 

Before I could say anything else my phone started to vibrate. The fear of it being Scott had subsided weeks ago, now I know that it was probably James 

 The fear of it being Scott had subsided weeks ago, now I know that it was probably James 

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James: I don't care what anyone says, I'm taking this a win!!

Mollie's colic has subsided a few weeks ago, it has been a blessing ever since. She has her moments where she is still fussy but nothing compared to what she used to be like
She's started to really fixate on people she seems more often then not. The main two for the source of her excitement is James and I. I wish I could say I was the favourite but that is certainly not the case lately
She knows who Michelle, Thal and Emily are too. She'll always given them cute little smiles. Same with the boys but she is more of a female preference unless James is about

"Oh she's smiling" Emily said making me look up from my phone glaring at her while she tried to play dumb


By the time 'Lunch' had ended, it was about time for dinner. I knew that James wouldn't be at Lost and Found anymore so I started to head home
I don't know whether it was the fact that I had never really driven here by myself or it was the fact that it was late, but I couldn't help but shake the feeling of someone looking over my shoulder. Like I was being watched

But I was being paranoid right?

I pulled into the apartment building making sure the carpark gate was locked behind me before I continued to drive until I was parked in my spot. James' car was next to mine meaning my suspicion of him being home was correct 

As soon as I got out of the car, I looked around and nothing looked out of place, it all looked exactly how it usually does but that same feeling crept up again shortly making me do a full 360.
But there was nothing there, nothing at all.. 

I had to be being paranoid..

I made my way upstairs to the flat only to hear music coming from the living room making me chuckle as I unlocked the door
The sight in front of me was one I'd grown used to but one I don't think I'll ever get over
James had Mollie strapped against his chest in a baby carrier while he stood at the cooker cooking something. His body was turned away from the cooker to make sure that Mollie was safe while he continued to stir the pots on the stove

"Looks who's home Bug" James cheered making Mollie look over at me with a wide grin as she started to kick about against James' chest making me smile as I went over to the pair of them

"How has she been?" I asked taking her out of the carrier for nothing but a pure selfish reason of wanting to hold her close
"It was hell Riley, she did nothing but scream. I wanted to pull my hair out, never leave us again" James said making me widen my eyes before I watched a grin appear on his face

"Asshole, I thought you were being serious!" I said smacking his chest only making him laugh harder

"We had a blast didn't we Mo" James said softly leaning down placing a kiss on top of her head earning another one of her contagious smiles
"Oh you did huh?" I asked making James nod
"We terrorised Theo, annoyed John oh and ruined Luke's coffee" James said making me roll my eyes
"You know I would like my daughter to grow up being nice to people James, not being a mischief maker like you were" I warned pointing at him

"If you had it your way she would have you don't even worry about it attitude" I reminded him earning another chuckle
"Hey give it time, my girl still has plenty of time to learn that outlook on life" He smiled 

Those 2 words has enough power to shift everything
My girl

I hadn't ever thought this far ahead after leaving Scott. I thought that it was dumb move and I would end up being caught, I would end up being dragged back before I had the chance to try and make a life for myself
But yet here we are, in my living room with Mollie and James
Could this be what was really supposed to happen?

Did I have the right life but the wrong guy living it? 

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