4| Riley

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After the excitement of this morning wore off, I took Mollie back to the bedroom to get her ready for whatever everyone has planned today. In my head when I had this all planned, things wouldn't be this silent, I would have countless attempts of contact from Scott. It seems I forgot in that plan that I could block his number. He has no way of contacting me unless he purchased a new number
Which I wouldn't put it past him but at the moment I'm happy with the silence

 But I also know what the silence holds..

Before I could dig deeper into the insecurities in my head, a small trail of gargles next to me grabbed my attention, for the first time since she was born Mollie was awake and alert with no sign of fussing 
Maybe getting her out of that house was going to do her more good then I realised

"I'm so sorry baby girl" I whispered placing my finger inside the palm of her hand letting her close her fingers around it 

"I'm sorry you were born into a family where your Dad didn't appreciate you and everything you offer" I whispered trying to stop a tear from falling 
"I'm sorry that you've only been on this earth for 2 weeks and I've already hurt you more times then you should have ever experienced" 
"I'm sorry that I'm failing as your mother, I'm sorry that I've let you down" I continued to whispered looking down at he 

Her big blue eyes were looking back up at me but they didn't hold pain, hatred. Their held innocence, love, warmth.
That's the big difference between Mollie and her father, Scott was cold, inside and out 
I promise that I will never Mollie turn out like that 

Even if it's the last thing I have to do 

"Are you guys ready?" Hunter said knocking on the door making me look over at him
"Sorry, I - Are you okay Riles?" He asked but I shrugged
"As good as I can be I guess" I said picking Mollie up 
"You know, your sister and I never stopped trying to get to you. But we had no idea where you two even lived and when you stopped-" He started before  cutting himself off

"We thought the worst and I know you probably went through it all. I'm sorry that we weren't there to help you Riley" He said making me pout slightly before walking over to him allowing him to pull me into a needed hug

"This is not your fault, it's not Emily's. None of you brought this one and I would never ever think of blaming you Hunt" I whispered earning a small smile from him as he nodded his head pulling me into another hug 


We ended up at the same park that we all spent countless hours in growing up. Parkour Alley was just down the path, that alone held too many memories for us to try to unbox
It felt surreal being back in this city, being with everyone 

I had thought that when I left I would have to stay hidden, that I wouldn't be able to have the freedom to go on with my life without the notion of looking over my shoulder constantly fearing Scott would be right behind me 

But with everyone here Mollie and I were safe. Scott stood no chance with everyone else involved. They wouldn't let him anywhere near us, that is something I can guarantee

"So how about it Riley?" Michelle said making me hum looking back at everyone
Mollie was currently cuddled up asleep with Thalia and Eldon while we all sat in a circle talking. Or more so everyone else was talking 
"We were just saying how a lot of the apartments in our building have opened up so I'm sure if we spoke to our landlord we could get you settled into one" West offered making me raise a brow

I would love that more then anything, but at the same time I hate the idea of being alone right now..

"There is one directly opposite mine that has more then enough room for both of you. West lives directly above it and then Thal and Eldon are on the ground floor" James said
I don't what it is but since I got here last night, he seems to be an attachment. One I didn't know I needed but one I welcomed with open arms..
He's been there when I needed someone, but didn't push me to the point of wanting to run
I guess part of me will always be drawn to him

"I don't know, I'm starting from scratch and don't really have the funds to do that" I explained
"We'll be funding it until you are on your feet" Hunter said making me tilt my head at them all
"We want to make sure you and Mollie have everything you need so we've all agreed to help" Emily explained

"Guys, I can't ask that of you" I said but they all rolled their eyes
"You aren't asking, we're telling you it's happening" James said making me scoff while everyone chuckled at his abruptness 

They all started to fall into their own little conversations while I continued to zone out, that is until I heard the same fuss that usually happens around this time of the day
Thalia looked down at Mollie and I could see her face clear as day 
"Is she okay?" Thalia asked
"She's just eaten and she doesn't need to be changed" Michelle added but I nodded opening my arms offering to take her 

Everyone's eyes fell onto the pair of us watching us intently which in my head only made the situation worse.. 
Mollie had colic, at first the Doctor told me that it wasn't anything I did. Mollie could have had an allergy to something or problem digesting things but as the appointments continued, it came to light that it was not the case
This was the first area I failed her 

Mollie had colic because of the stress and anxiety that surrounded her, whether it be my fear from her father or just the general house atmosphere. It caused her to develop colic and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for that 

I pulled out her swaddle wrapping her up tightly before placing her on my shoulder stroking circles in her back allowing the screeches to soon simmer down to small whimpers before finally allowing her to fall asleep, it was easier then it has been in the past but I'll take it as a blessing right now

"Is she okay? Those screams sounded painful" Em said making me sigh
"She has colic, it's like that more often then not. It's worse at night but she gets like it before or after a feed sometimes if she isn't in a familiar surrounding" I explained before my breath hitched slightly 

She wouldn't be in a familiar surrounding for a while.. this was about to get a lot worse before it dared to get better.. 

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