7| Riley

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"Anddd she is gone" James said making me turn around in the passenger seat to see Mollie peacefully asleep. 
"Why had I never thought of this before" I sighed sitting back in my seat
"Was going for a drive really on the table for you?" James offered making me shake my head 

Scott controlled a lot more then I think anyone would ever realise. I couldn't leave the house without him knowing. I would be surprised if he was somehow tracking me
Is that why he's been so silent? Because he knows exactly where we are? Shit

All it would have taken was him to have my phone chipped or even the car and then he would know our every move
There has to be a reason as to why he hasn't made any effort to reach out 
He didn't like Mollie because she 'took me away from him' so he wouldn't care about her leaving but the moment I left that would have been the problem for him 

He wouldn't care what happened to Mollie, he would hurt her if she got in the way
But he'll be looking and tracking me
Planning to drag me right back to him

And I may have lead him straight to us..

"Stop the car James!" I yelled making James instantly break before frantically turning to look at me. Luckily we weren't in the city right now. We were off on some small country road to eliminate the issue of traffic
I unbuckled getting out of the car instantly walking over to the door where Mollie slept 
My first instinct was to get her out of the car, to keep her far away from it but yet I couldn't 

The more I tried to force myself to open that door, the bigger the battle I had trying to figure out why I couldn't 

"James get Mollie out please" I cried, James took one look at me before looking even more confused
"What is going on Ri" James asked coming over to me ignoring my ask of getting Mollie
"Get her out of the car please" I continued to cry pushing my hands through my hair trying to calm myself down 
"Please you have to. She needs to get out" I continued but James continued to just look at me not moving an inch

"He'll be tracking us, that's why he hasn't called. That is why he hasn't tried to come and get us. He knows where we are, we are just sitting ducks" I cried falling to the floor in a pile continuing to cry

My breathing wasn't getting any better, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't calm it down
"you need to get her out James, please" I cried out looking up at him
"Riley, breath okay" He said crouching onto his knees so he was stood in front of me

"Look at the candles" He whispered making me look at his hand instantly remembering the trick he used to do before when we were teenagers
"Take a deep breath in and blow out the candles one at a time" He said looking at me 
His brown eyes staring into mine hoping that this was going to work 

I took one breath in blow out of my mouth against his hands letting him place one finger down 
"One" I breathed out earning a small smile from James
"Two" I continued, my chest feeling a little less tighter now
"Th-three" I said sinking a little deeper onto the floor

"You've got this" James encouraged taking a hold of my hand with his free one
"Four" I breathed making James nod
"Five" We both said together as soon as James put down the final finger 


James and I had sat in silence for over 20 minutes, after everything had calmed down James had gotten up to open Mollie's window so we could keep an eye on her before returning to sit next to me on the small grass bank I had crumbled onto 

"Do you want to talk about what is going on?" He asked making me sigh
"I don't know" I whispered earning a hum
"It's been over a week and he's not made any sort of contact at all. Most girls would be deeming that as a victory but" I trailed off 
"But you know the boy better which means you know silence isn't a good thing?" James offered making me a nod 

"Okay, that's understandable Ri. Nobody is expecting you to be okay right now, we aren't expecting you to just pick yourself up and carry on like nothing has happened" He said making me look at him
"James I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything but panic. I'm scared that he'll find us and storm through that door. The moment he finds us I'm scared of what he'll do" I said feeling a tear fall down my cheek but it only got half way down when James caught it

"I would love nothing more then to tell you I promise you he won't find you Riley but I think we both know that we can't promise that" He whispered, I nodded knowing he was right
"But there is something I can promise" He continued making me look at him

"I promise you that you aren't going to be doing this alone. If it helps you to sleep, I'll stay in your living room or something. I won't let the pair of you be alone long enough for you to have to face him on your own" James said making me raise a brow at him

"I can't ask that of you James, you don't know what he is like - I wouldn't want you in that firing line" I whispered bowing my head

"If It meant that I was protecting you, I wouldn't care what I was up against Ri" He said placing his thumb under my chin making me look at him
"Say the word and I'll do it" He whispered 
"This isn't me making a move, making a pass at you. This is me wanting to be there for you when you need someone the most. The moment you don't need me anymore you can tell me to get lost or whatever" He said cupping my cheek

I placed my hand on top of his place my forehead against his
"I don't think there will ever be a moment where I don't need you James" I whispered 

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