11| Riley

68 3 22

6 months later 

"Can you believe she is 8 months old?" I asked James as we walked through the park. We were heading to Emily's house to drop Mollie off. She had agreed to watch her this evening since James has some sort of Event at Lost and Found that needed his attention
Neither of us had discussed where we stand. James stopped sleeping on the sofa about 4 months ago, I bit the bullet and let him crash in with Mollie and I. Then on the occasion where Mollie sleeps in her bed he'll stay with me

"Of course, look at her!" James said holding her tighter being throwing her into the air making her giggle before placing her hand on cheek continuing to giggle as we got closer to the end of the park

Mollie had gotten so big so fast, she was now sitting up, crawling and will even walk if you hold both of her hands supporting her 
She's started making sounds to the point I'm convinced she is going to say Mama soon. She absolutely hates any solids unless James is the one feeding her, if I do it they will end up anywhere but her mouth 
She had a full head of hair at this point, it was a light mousey blonde like mine had been growing up, she never out grew her baby blue eyes. They are still here and as vibrant as ever 

"Hey angelll" Emily sung the moment we walked up her driveway, as soon as Mollie saw here and Hunter she coward away into James. I think at this point everyone has gotten used to the fact that if James is around nobody stands a chance at her attention 

They say that around 7 months old babies develop an attachment to a lovey, it's usually a soft toy, a blanket. Some comfort item
But I am convinced that James is Mollie's lovey through and through

"you two have a blast tonight" Hunter winked making me raise a brow at the boys
"It's a work event, what's so big about that" I laughed warning a look from Emily who soon shrugged it off

James and I had said our goodbyes and headed straight to Lost and Found. I had thought that by now whatever this even was would be in fill swing by now but we were greeted with silence and darkness
"Are we setting up then?" I laughed making James shake his head at me
"Follow meeee" He sung placing his hands on my shoulder guiding me into the Rose Room
"James what-" I started before cutting myself off taking a look at the transformed room

This room usually typically holds most of the practices for the big bands, a few lesson's here and there but right now it was covered is floating balloons which had a photo attached to each one. Each photo being one of James and I, James and Mollie, Mollie and I. You name it, it was here

"I know technically, I should have asked you on a date but like..." James said making me snap back towards him with a smile moving forward pressing our lips together 

"you did all of this?" I asked with a smile earning a proud nod from James
"Trust me, I drove all of the boys insane today getting them to help me blow up the balloons, did you know Theo has a phobia of tying them?" He laughed making me roll my eyes 
"Sounds like Theo" I chuckled before James nodded guiding us over to a small blanket in the middle of the room


"you really didn't need to do all of this" I smiled looking over at James, had a whole little picnic made for us and I must say it was amazing, which means James did nothing towards it 
"I had to do something special" He warmly smiled placing his hands on top of mine
"Thank you" I whispered making him chuckle as he moved closer towards me 

"Neither of us have spoken about this Ri and I know everything is still fresh for you but I don't want there to be a blurred line" James said cupping my cheek making me look at him
"A blurred line?" I asked earning a hum in response
"I want everyone to know that you are mine. I don't want you to doubt that I'm yours" He continued as I watched the grin on his face grow matching mine

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked making me chuckled
"Are we 12?" I laughed making James roll his eyes
"Is that a yes?" He said trying to confirm

"Yes James" I whispered before he pressed forward pressing his lips against mine making me smile even more as he pulled me closer 

Things lately hadn't been anything shy of perfect, I had gotten back into working at The Next Step which worked well as James would watch Mollie between classes and then I would watch her if he had a meeting
We would all go home together and have the same days off
It felt like we were a genuine family to the point that I wish James had been Mollie's father 

"Oh" James mumbled scratching the back of his neck making me look at him a little concerned
"What's going on?" I asked moving over to look over his shoulder
"I've had like half a dozen missed calls from Hunter. I didn't realise my phone was on silent" James explained making me widen my eyes pulling out my phone 

13 missed calls from Hunter.

"Hunter? What's going on?" I asked through the phone 
"Riley, you need to get here" Hunter said, you could hear the panic in his voice. He sounded out of breath
"Where are Em and Mollie?" I frantically asked but he didn't say anything 
"Can you come meet us at the hospital Riley, please" He begged making me look at James even more scared then I was 5 minutes ago

How can one night go from something so perfect to something so horrific..

 It took James and I a matter of minutes to get to the hospital. I'm convinced that James sped the entire way here and to be honest...I would have done the same thing

"Hunter!" James called making Hunter turn around and stop pacing, he was alone which only made bile creep up my throat 
"Where is Mollie? Where is Emily?" I asked as soon as Hunter had pulled both James and I into a tight hug 

"I don't know, god I really don't and I'm so fucking sorry" He cried, Hunter never cries which only made this entire situation feel even that more intense
"Hunter where are they?" James said calmly trying to get some sort of information but whatever happened seems to have terrified him
"Emily's is in the Trauma room, they are looking her over. God I can't get that picture out of my damn head" He cried making my breath hitch
"What picture? Where is Mollie?" I continued to panic 

"She's gone Riley.. Someone took her and beat Emily in the process" He whispered making me instantly fall to my knees

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