14 - Highs & Lows

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It has been a month and a half since Sherlock, and I decided to move. We just didn't feel like packing up the apartment but finally after Sherlock making several trips to get us changes of clothes or things, we needed we just decided it was time to pack up the apartment and get what we needed to the cottage. I was sitting in the bedroom packing up some boxes in the apartment. I tried to help clean and pack up the living room, but Sherlock insisted he could do it himself that I would ruin the order of things...

I was sitting going through a small box I found, and I smiled. It was our wedding announcement in the paper, our wedding invitation, dried out flowers from my bouquet and a picture of Sherlock and I. Happier times that we were trying to get back again. Moving into the small cottage was going to do us good. Away from the city and away from everyone, just on our own. I grabbed the picture and got up from where I had been sitting on the floor. I walked out towards the living room.

"Sherlock -..." I said and stopped talking when I saw him start to play his violin. I smiled, I loved hearing him play. I wasn't sure of the tune, but I got annoyed when I looked around and saw nothing was cleaned nor packed up. I listened to him play for a couple of minutes and then groaned coming out of my Sherlock can play trance and walked over to him. I snatched the violin around the neck and walked over to the window.

"PORTIA! NO!" Sherlock yelled as I dangled it out the now open window.

"You're supposed to be packing Sherlock! Not playing the violin." I said and he sighed.

"It relaxes me." Sherlock said and I groaned.

"Sherlock please, clean up in here or this goes out the window, I swear to god I will drop it." I said. Sherlock crossed his arms.

"You wouldn't dare..." Sherlock said.

"Would I?" I asked and acted like I was going to let it go. I swear I heard him squeak. I smirked at him.

"How about I take this into the bedroom with me and you get it back when you finally clean up in here." I said and Sherlock sighed but nodded. I walked over to him and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down to me.

"I'm only mean because I want to get moved." I whispered and he smiled giving me a small kiss. He then saw something else I had in my hand.

"You found the wedding box." Sherlock said and I nodded.

"I did. I think we need to find a frame for this and put it up in the new place." I said and Sherlock nodded.

"I think I have something around here." Sherlock said and I smiled.

"Perfect, I'm going to pack up the clothes and get them in the trucks." I said and he smiled.

"I will work in here, I promise." Sherlock said and I nodded. I walked back into the bedroom but stopped at the doorway. Sherlock was looking at the wedding picture in his hand and I swore I saw him smile looking at it.

"How did I get so lucky?" Sherlock mumbled. I just shook my head and walked into the room to finish packing. As I bent over to pick something up I got lightheaded and stumbled. I caught myself from falling over. I felt dizzy and nauseas. Sherlock came rushing in since he heard the commotion of a box falling over.

"You okay?" Sherlock asked and I shook my head. He walked over to me and guided me to the bed and sat me down. "What's wrong?" Sherlock asked.

"I'm dizzy and I feel sick Sherlock, I don't know, it just happened." I said. Sherlock kissed my forehead but didn't feel a fever.

"Why don't you lay down. I can go get the doctor." Sherlock said and I sighed.

"No, there is no need to coddle me." I said and went to stand up. As I stood up I passed out, Sherlock catching me before I hit the floor.

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I came to lying in bed and Sherlock was standing talking with the doctor.

"Sherlock..." I said and he turned to see me. He looked upset and I didn't know what was going on. The doctor walked over and stood next to the bed as I worked on sitting up.

"Easy Portia." He said and I sighed shaking my head slightly.

"I'm okay. What's going on?" I asked.

"Portia, Sherlock wasn't sure if I could examine you while you were passed out but now that you're awake..." He said and I nodded. "Sherlock, can you please leave the room?" The doctor asked and I nodded when Sherlock looked at me.

"It's okay." I said and he walked over giving me a small kiss and walked out of the room. The doctor and I got set up in the room and the examination began.

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I paced in the living room unable to do anything else. I tried to clean to keep my mind busy, but my mind would not stop reeling. I didn't know what was wrong with my wife and all I could think about were the mistakes I had made in our time together and our marriage. I had picked someone else over her after I knew she was safe, and I married her. Did I marry her because I loved her? Of course, I did but did I do it as well to convince myself I could have a normal life and try to be the loving husband and possible father I could be? I think that answer would have to be yes too, but it didn't happen that way. There was no chance in having a normal life with Portia and Irene...I picked Portia, I loved Portia.

As I was waiting for the examination to be done there was a knock on the door and I sighed walking to open it up and see a messenger standing there.

"Letter for Sherlock Holmes." He said and I took it and closed the door after thanking the boy. I took a deep breath and opened it.

I wanted to let you know I'm still following leads on Irene, but everything has gone cold. Be back within the next few weeks and I have some of the most exciting news as well. See you and your better half soon.

So, nothing on Irene...we hadn't gotten any letter from her either...maybe she finally gave up.

I heard the bedroom door open, and I whipped around to look at the doctor as he closed the bedroom door.

"Sherlock...I'm sorry." The doctor said. I just looked at him in pure confusion.

"Sorry? Is Portia, okay?" I asked panicked.

"Sherlock, it's seems Portia...it seems Portia was with child." The doctor said and I smiled but then it faded when I took in his words.

"Was with child?" I asked and the doctor sighed nodding.

"She seems to have suffered a loss Sherlock." The doctor said and I hung my head.

"I need to go see my wife." I said and went to walk into the bedroom.

"Sherlock, she is going to going through some changes the next couple of days, please be there for her no matter how hard it may be." The doctor said.

I just nodded and walked into the bedroom as he saw himself out. I saw Portia curled up in the fetal position on the bed and sobbing. I got into bed behind her. She rolled over, buried her face in my chest as I wrapped my arms around her, and we both mourned the loss of a child we didn't even know she was carrying.

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