28 - London Bridge

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I was working on cleaning out the spare room in the cottage that was fit to be the nursery. Eudoria, Beatrice and Enola were going to be bringing things for the nursery that they had. I knew getting things for their storage was an issue with Sherlock around. I heard the carriage pull up and I opened the door, semi out of breath.

"We told you not to overdo it!" Beatrice said walking in and I smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I didn't. I was sitting when you guys arrived, this was just getting up and walking to the door." I said and everyone laughed. Things started to be brought in and Eudoria took over telling them where to put everything. She ended up in my bedroom with the bassinet and I smiled.

"Baby Holmes will be her soon." Beatrice said sitting on the couch with me. She placed her hand on my belly.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"Why don't you write to him and have him meet you somewhere? Tonight..." Eudoria said and I smiled with a nod. As I got up to write him a note for them to take back someone came to the door with flowers and a note.

"I have a delivery for Portia Holmes." He said and I walked over to him and smiled.

"Thank you." I said handing him some money for a tip and I closed the door.

"Those are beautiful." Beatrice said.

"Wildflowers, the first bouquet Sherlock ever got me was wildflowers." I smiled as my eyes filled with tears. Enola came over and took the flowers to put them in a vase. I opened the letter and read it.


I know you said you would come to me but I don't know if I can wait anymore. I need to see you, I need to talk to you and be with you...even if it is just one more time.

Please meet me in the place I proposed to you tonight at 7pm.

I love you.


I smiled and looked at everyone.

"Sherlock wants to meet tonight on London Bridge at 7pm." I said and they smiled.

"And you're going?" Beatrice asked and I nodded.

"It's time he sees his family." I said and everyone got excited as Enola, and I rushed into the bedroom to pick an outfit and get everything prepared.


I was getting ready to leave for the night and I was looking at my jewelry selections and saw the earrings Sherlock got for me awhile back and smiled as I put them on. I placed a hand on my baby bump.

"We're going to meet your daddy tonight. Let's pray he is happy about you. I don't know what to do if he isn't." I said out loud as I went to leave the room but saw the gun sitting on the nightstand, it's permanent place. I walked over to it and picked it up.

I placed it in my handbag I was carrying. Not that I intended on shoot Sherlock, it was in case I ran into any trouble and needed to defend myself I would not be caught off guard out on the town. The carriage arrived as I opened the door and soon, I was on my way to London Bridge.


I was in the study when Enola opened the door and gasped seeing me.

"What are you doing here?! Are you standing her up?!"

"What are you going on about?!" I asked confused.

"Portia! You sent her flowers and a note today about meeting you on London Bridge at 7pm!" Enola snapped.

"I never sent her the note Enola. You told me she would come to me!" I panicked. I then got thinking. "Did you say Londin Bridge?!"

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Where stories live. Discover now