18 - Speedy Recovery

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I was sitting beside his bed in the hospital holding his hand as he was passed out.

"Portia?" I heard someone say and I looked to see Enola and Eudoria come walking in and I hugged them both.

"What happened?" Enola asked and I shrugged.

"We went out to dinner, then to London Bridge, he was sweating and passed out on me. I don't know what's going on." I said as I looked down at him and his hair had fallen in his face and I moved it.

"Have they run any test?" Eudoria asked and I nodded.

"I told them no expense was too great. I want everything tested." I said. My eyes then filled with tears. "I can't lose him, we just got started together. We have plans..." I sobbed. Enola came over and wrapped me in a hug.

"You know Sherlock, he doesn't let anything take him down for long." Enola said, and I nodded.

We all just sat there, we weren't sure what else to do, and I just wanted to get Sherlock better. Eudoria looked at me and was concerned.

"Portia, you don't look well yourself..."

"I'm fine, just worried." I said and she shook her head. She walked over to me and felt that my forehead was clammy, but I was shivering slightly.

"DOCTOR!" Eudoria yelled and he came rushing in. He took one look at me and called for some nurses as one nurse ushered Eudoria and Enola out.

"Misses Holmes why didn't you say anything?" The doctor asked as they worked on getting me on a bed.

"Because I thought I was just upset by Sherlock. I don't understand." I said.

"Misses Holmes, it appears you and your husband have been poisoned. Mister Holmes more than you, you seem to have a trailing effect." The doctor said and I looked at him in shock.

"We were poisoned?!" I asked and he nodded.

"We aren't sure how you weren't as exposed as your husband but since your symptoms have taken this long to show effects. Did you drink or eat the same thing tonight?" The doctor asked and I shook my head.

"No, we went out to eat. Everything we had was different. After dinner we went out to London Bridge." I said.

"Misses Holmes, I hate to get personal but did your husband kiss you?"

"He did, a few times." I said and the doctor nodded.

"Him kissing you transferred the poison from his lips to you, then you would lick your lips and take it in." The doctor explained and my eyes started to get heavy as I was starting to fully feel the effects. The doctor yelled something, but I passed out, so I didn't hear anything else.

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I wasn't sure how long I had been out or what was happening when I came to but I noticed I was out of my dress and changed into hospital garb and was in a bed next to Sherlock and our fingers were interlaced. I looked around and saw Eudoria, Enola and Beatrice all talking to the doctor. I then turned and looked at Sherlock and he was awake. He was looking at me and smiled.

"She's awake." Sherlock said and everyone looked.

"And so are you!" Eudoria said and Enola chuckled.

"I told you interlacing their hands would wake them up." Enola said and I looked at Sherlock.

"You just woke up too?" I asked and he nodded.

"I did, right before you." Sherlock said and I sighed. I sat up in bed as did Sherlock, but he wouldn't let go of my hand.

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Where stories live. Discover now