27 - All The Happiness

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I was sitting in the cottage when there was a knock on the door, and I peeked out to see it was Enola and Tewkesbury.

"What a surprise!" I said opening the door and I smiled seeing them. I hugged them both as they walked in.

"Look at you! You're glowing!" Tewkesbury said. I smiled and placed a hand on my belly.

"And getting harder to hide." I said and we all laughed. "Would you like some tea?" I asked them.

"Let me make it. Get off your feet." Tewkesbury said and I smiled as Enola linked her arm in mine as we walked to the couch. She looked on the coffee table and saw all the notes from Irene.

"When did those all come?" Enola asked and I sighed.

"Those are all the ones I have kept recently. I'm just trying to find her." I said and Enola sighed.

"Sherlock is looking too. She sent him a riddle recently, a riddle about you." Enola said.

"About me?" I asked.

"Yeah, about you being pregnant. We all figured it out but didn't let him know." Tewkesbury spoke up and I sighed. I placed my head in my hands. I then took a deep breath and sat up straight.

"Okay, no more Irene talk. What's going on with you two? How's the Private Investigators office going?" I asked and Enola smiled and looked at Tewkesbury as he came walking over carrying a tray with the tea kettle and cups.

"Oh, that is going perfectly fine. That's not why we are here though." Enola said and I looked at both of them as Tewkesbury sat beside her on the couch. She lifted her left hand and I saw the engagement ring.

"ENOLA!" I screamed excitedly, getting up and hugging her and she hugged me, I then hugged Tewkesbury. "When did this happen?" I asked.

"A few nights ago, we went out to dinner, and he proposed! I wasn't expecting it and I wasn't even sure if this was what I ever wanted but I love Tewkesbury and I want to have a future." Enola said as we all sat back down. I saw them look at each other and I smiled.

"Well, I must say I'm so happy for the both of you." I said and Enola smiled at me. She took ahold of my hands.

"I promise you Portia we don't want to get married until this Irene thing is taken care of because I need you to be my matron of honor. I need you there with me." Enola said as my eyes filled with tears, stupid hormones.

"Enola...I would love to be there for you and stand with you." I said and she smiled. I then placed a hand on my stomach.

"And maybe after this one makes its debut." I said and we all laughed.

"Well of course because we need a flower girl." Enola said.

"So sure it's a girl?" I asked and she nodded.

"I am, this family is very girl forward." Enola said and I nodded.

"Which is why I think a boy would be nice." Tewkesbury added and I had to nod and agree with him as well.

"I just want a healthy baby and for its father to be around." I said and Enola sighed.

"I know you said it's for safety but when he finds out you have been hiding this from him..."

"Enola, I will make him understand it was for the best. Trust me I was thinking of meeting with him soon anyway and telling him. He needs to know." I said and they all nodded.

"How soon?" Enola asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know...soon though." I said and she smiled.

"Good, he will be happy to hear from you. He had been dying to talk to you since you woke up in his bed that morning." Enola said and I sighed.

"Yeah, not my finest hour...I shouldn't have run, but I didn't have any other option." I said and they both nodded.

"We don't blame you Portia, things and life happen. You and Sherlock were just dealt a horrible hand." Tewkesbury said and I sighed with a nod.

"Well back to you two..." I said after taking a deep breath. "I want all the details." I said and Enola giggled.


I was sitting in the study looking over my Irene letters I had kept when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said as Enola peeked her head in and Tewkesbury followed.

"Do you have a minute?" Enola asked and I nodded as they walked in and shut the door.

"For you I have two minutes." I said with a smile, and she smiled sitting down across from me.

"We have some news for you..." Enola said and held out her left hand so Sherlock could see the engagement ring.

"Well, you finally did it." I said and shook Tewkesbury's hand and then hugged Enola after I came around my desk.

"Yeah, at dinner the other night." Tewkesbury said and I smiled.

"Well, I'm happy for you both, I truly am. I wish you all the happiness like Portia and I...well I wish you all the happiness." I said.

"She will come back, and you will be happy again Sherlock." Enola said and I nodded.

"I know, just have to catch Irene first." I said motioning to the letters on the desk.

"We just left Portia and she was doing the same thing." Enola offered up information. I looked at her and sighed. "She also said she wants to talk soon. I would let her come to you, but I think she is tired of being apart. It's been months." Enola added.

"I will let her come to me, but I will be waiting on bated breath." I said and Enola smiled as well as Tewkesbury.

"Sherlock, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my best man?" Tewkesbury spoke up changing the subject. I looked at him and smiled.

"I would be honored." I said and shook his hand again. "When are you planning for the occasion?" I asked. Enola and Tewkesbury looked at each other knowing what they were waiting on.

"Not sure, we just got engaged Sherlock." Enola said and I half nodded.

"Well, whatever you need, just know we are here for you." I said and Enola smiled coming around to my side of the desk giving me a hug.

Soon they left the office and I sighed with a smile on my face. Enola and Tewkesbury were finally happy. Portia was talking about coming back into my life and everything was going to be worked out and happy again in my own life.

I got back to looking over the notes when there was something slipped under the door.

"This just arrived for you Mr. Holmes." The housekeeper said. I got up and grabbed the note.


The clock is ticking, and things are coming to an end that you are missing. You sure I'm the most important thing in your life or are you may be missing out on everything else with Portia.

Also, please send my congratulations to your sister and Lord Tewkesbury. I hope they can make it to their big day without issue.

Best Wishes,


I tossed the letter down on the desk with the others...just as confusing as the last one. What was I missing in Portia's life?

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