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Chapter 10 - Odyssey

The sign on the bar was flashing 'open'. 

I took a deep breath and walked in. It was dark outside and I still had my sunglasses on. 

Guess this is what Austin feels like. Though I doubt he did it to cover red eyes.

Asshole. There goes my mood again.

I opened up the door and saw a few guys by the bar. Enough to count on one hand.  I walked up and all the guys turned around, beers in their hands.

I took one look at them and then saw Hank cleaning his hands with a towel behind the counter.


I smiled. "Can we talk...alone."

He nodded. "Boys, mind clearing out?" They all nodded and set down their beers.

"Don't tell anyone I was here," I said to one of the guys. He looked at me confused and looked back at Hank.

"Do what she says son," Hank chuckled. The guy nodded and walked out with the others.

I sighed and walked up to Hanks counter, sitting down on the bar stool.

He looked at me funny. "Too bright in here?" he smirked.

I smiled and took off my sun glasses, shying away from the one light that was to my side above my head.

He put down his towel and took a good look at me. "What happened?" he said with a worried tone.

I snorted. "Life."

He chuckled. "Want to talk about it?"

I shrugged, looking down at the counter. "Are you asking as a bartender or as a friend?"


I nodded and looked up at him. "Then, as a friend, could I have a drink?"

He looked a me for a second, probably surveying the damage, and nodded. "I'll bend the rules just this once," he smiled, reaching for a beer.

"Technically it's the second time."

He did a low, throaty chuckle. "Right," he handed me the beer and I took it gladly.

I gulped it down until it was halfway gone. It wasn't as good as Whiskey, but it would do the trick for now. I sighed and put the bottle down.

"Do I need to kick someone's ass?" he smiled at me.

Oh, he thought I got hurt? Well, I guess that was understandable. My eyes felt like swollen fruit. Probably looked horrible. But the pain wasn't physical. I shook my head. "No," I smiled sheepishly. "Just having a bad day."

"Alright then." He walked around the counter and past me. I watched as he flipped over the 'open' sign to 'closed' and locked the door. Then he turned off the lights and it became dark.


"Follow me, I want to show you something." He waited for me to get up, then he lead me through the black curtain to the back room, which was still lit.

Where was he taking me? 

He led me around a corner and down a hallway that I didn't know existed. There was a wooded door at the end, the only one. He opened it and held it open for me. Then he flicked on the lights and closed the door behind us.

It was an office. Pictures were hung up on the wall and there was a wooden desk with a couch on the side wall. It as very rustic and it smelled like Hank. 

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