Shallow Grave

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Chapter 14 - Shallow Grave

Nick was running through the forest at full speed and I was still on his back. He kept running and running and it came to the point where I wasn't sure if he was going to ever stop.

Then we came to the top of a mountain. Wait. I recognize this place. It's the campsite where Mason and I were that one time. I was at the top of the cliff where people were jumping off. The cliff where I wanted to jump off but Mason ended up seeing my scars instead. 

He stopped at the top of the cliff and growled. I don't think he knew about the cliff. Thinking about it now, his territory was just a few miles north of where we were right now. The idiot probably though he could just run straight through and bring me with him. 

He growled and I took this as my only chance to try and escape. I took out my knife from my side and unfolded it. Before he could sense that something was wrong, I took the knife and dug it into his collarbone on his back. Right into his spine. If this were a human, I would have severed their spinal cord. But this was a werewolf, so it might only incapacitate him for a few moments. But a few moments was all I needed.

He wined out in pain and slumped down to the ground. I jumped off his back quickly and stumbled to the side as he fell like a ton of bricks onto his left side. I fell onto my butt and shifted backwards, dragging my legs with me.

He growled out. Okay, maybe I didn't hurt him as much as I thought. He just looked really pissed. And my knife was still inside of him. Maybe I didn't get the spot I thought I did. Probably should brush up on werewolf biology when I get back. 

If I get back.

He lunged for me and grabbed my right leg, bitting into it hard. I yelled and used my left leg to kick him in the nose, hard. I was running on pure adrenaline at the moment. I may not be a werewolf, but I am a hybrid and I still pack one hell of a punch - so to speak.

He groaned and let go. 

I didn't waste any more time. I wouldn't get this chance again, and I knew it.

I crawled over to the edge of the cliff as fast as I could. Damn the cliff was high up! There were some rocks at the bottom and I just realized that there was a river attached to the lake that lead west beyond view. Didn't know about that before. I guess I'm getting the bird's eye view now. Maybe I was out of my mind when I thought about jumping before.

What the hell were the others thinking?! This was insane!

Then I looked back once more before I jumped. Either Nick was going to get me or the cliff was.

I'd take my chances.

Then I threw myself off the cliff. Head first. Probably not smart.

For what seemed like the longest time I was floating in the air. Well, not so much floating as falling. The wind just kept rushing up to me and I couldn't breath as it hit like a force field. Then, finally, I landed in the water.

At least I think I did. I heard a splash...but then everything went dark.

~Mason POV~

Alexis wanted her space and she deserved to have it. Suddenly I understood what Duke was talking about before. I was just glad that she was out of the house, danger be damned. Well not really, but I was alright with her having free rein. She was out, in reality. My father was with her, so I knew she'd be safe. He was one of the few people who could keep her safer than an army. 

My father is a big Alpha. Bigger than me because he is an elder. Elder's always have huge wolves because of the power that comes with being an Elder. You become an Elder when you relinquish your title or retire from the pack. They carry all the knowledge of the pack. Our history, our secrets...everything. With my father included, my pack had about ten elders, all living on the reservation near my house. 

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