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Chapter 20 - Confidential 

Mason walked me to class and I was relieved when I saw Lisa. She was in her usual seat and Flynn was sitting beside her. No Austin or Mr. Richie yet. Thank god. I could only deal with so much crazy in the morning. It's like double trouble with those two.

"Hey," she said when she saw me and waved me over.

I groaned a little, knowing I was back at school. As much as I missed my friends. I didn't miss them enough to endure Austin or the teachers or the homework. I could do without all that. 

"Hey," I said back. I looked to Flynn who was giving ma a knowing look. "So, what did Mason tell you? What are your orders?" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Just call me the secret service," he joked.

I tolled my eyes. "Great," I said sourly. "I'll be fine. Could you please tell him that. It's just school, for gods sake."

He laughed. "Have you never seen 21 Jump Street?" He smirked. "He wouldn't listen to me even if I tried. Ever since..." Flynn didn't finish that sentence, but I knew what he was getting at. Ever since Mason lost his mother and sister, he's been on high alert. He was probably scarred shitless of losing me. 

But I could take care of myself. If I could survive my father, I could survive anything. He'd calm down eventually. I just had to endure it for now because I felt bad that I was stressing him out with the whole Nick thing. The Austin thing too. I didn't want Mason getting distracted from his pack. He needed to look after Holt and Duke, Lisa, Flynn, Sam, John...he had so many people to watch out for. He didn't need to add me to that list. 

So, for now. I guess I'd behave because I understood. It would kill me, but I'll do it. For Mason, because he's done so much for me already.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked, curious.

I sighed, sitting down. "Mason's got it in his head that I'm going to die if someone's not watching me every second of every day. This isn't Deliverance. This is Wyoming. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, the scenery's not all that different, but I don't see any toothless, plaid wearing creeps walking around with a beard and a grudge."

Lisa and Flynn laughed.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," Flynn said, winking at me.

I grinned and nodded. "Thanks," At least he understood the meaning of 'overprotective'. Mason needed to brush up on his vocabulary definitions.

Austin walked in just then and flashed me a smirk before he sat down in the seat next to me. "So how are we doing this morning?" he said cheerfully, but I heard something else behind his voice. Something was bothering him. But what did I care? 

I kept my eyes off of him, still pissed about the other night. Seriously, was he suicidal going after Mason like that? 

Flynn started to glare at Austin and I realized that it was probably because he was still transfixed on the back of my head. Lisa just rolled her eyes and looked straight ahead, probably trying to ignore him as well. But I didn't have that much restraint. Anger management issues, remember?

"Didn't have enough yesterday?" I growled at Austin when I whipped my head around.

He smirked and leaned a little closer. Then I notice that he was starring at my exposed arms. More importantly, my scars. He moved his hand and his finger grazed my bicep. "I know your secret," he whispered.

I jerked away from him, glaring as Flynn growled beside me.

"Don't get smart, jerk," Flynn narrowed his eyes, standing up.

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