No Pain, No Gain

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Chapter 4 - No Pain, No Gain

~Alexis POV~

A screeching, whistling sound woke me from my slumber, suddenly, making me jerk up into a sitting position.

"Son of a Bitch!" I hissed.

I heard a laughing before my door was opened. "What did you say about my mother?" he chuckled, mocking hurt as he put his hand over his heart. There was a whistle around his neck like he was a coach.

I grumbled. "What? Can't you see I was sleeping?"

He shrugged. "I forget how dark it is in here. No wonder you shield from the light. Time for school! The place to learn, the place of torture, the place of hell... Nope. Don't miss it one bit," he said, amused. He walked over and plopped himself down on my bed, making me bounce a little.

I sighed, running my face with my hands. Crap, I was tired. How is it that no matter how long I sleep, I always wake up tired? "Yes, Holt? What can I do for you this fine morning?" I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest. I just got to sleep an hour ago! I didn't do my night ritual of cutting myself last night because I wanted to test the theory that if what I felt when I was around Mason was in fact a consequence of blood loss. And also because I was too tired to bother. That's the last time I do all that in one day! I swear, if I didn't figure out that tingling sensation soon then I'll be working myself into the ground soon enough. If it wasn't for Gunner being a little stiff I would have just gone for a ride. But no! That asshole spooked him so I couldn't go for a ride! Instead I had to get out my anger working the fields. Note to self - don't farm the land when angry!

Don't take it out on the crops!

He smirked. "I just wanted to say thanks for doing all those fields." He sighed, looking a little more serious now. "You didn't have to, you know." Then he narrowed his eyes in on my face and I instinctively tensed. "Are you alright? You have bags under your eyes the size of a tractor wheel..."

I snorted. "Well, thanks bro. Love to hear that." I got out of bed and stretched. I was still wearing long sleeves to hide my wound and I kept my shorts on from last night - too tired to change.

"Alright, I know your cranky and mama taught me never to poke an angry bear. So, how did you like the guys last night? Their good guys, eh?"

I looked over to him and smiled. I did like Sam. He was a quiet guy but he was Lisa's older brother. Call me sentimental, but the way he thanked me for looking after her reminded me of Duke. So, naturally, I thought he was a good guy.

Flynn? Where do I start? He was...a character, that's for sure. Funny. Stupid funny, but funny nonetheless. A ridiculous flirt too but he was embracing his 'inner' guy. He spoke his mind - I liked that. I was the same way so I felt a weird kinship with him in that respect. We were both the type of people who don't take any crap from anyone. 

Sam was a shy guy, but he seemed like a good brother. Which I respected, being a sister myself. 

I nodded. "Ya, they're cool. I can see why you're friends with them. You and Flynn together's like a tornado of craziness!" 

He laughed. "That's what happens when you grow up with each other. All of us did actually. Been acting that way towards one another for as long as I can remember."

"Really?" I said, sarcastically. "Couldn't tell..."

"What did you think of Mason?" 

I rolled my eyes. "He's a smart ass, smirking, Alpha. He might be a good Alpha, I'll give him that. But he's freckin annoying and I can't stand him." Even as I said it, I didn't really believe the words coming out of my mouth. From what I've experienced of him thus far, it felt like the correct thing to say. But there was something in my gut that was disagreeing with me fiercely. 

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