Kingdom Come

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Chapter 15 - Kingdom Come

~Alexis POV~

I was walking down a road, in the middle, along the yellow line. The bright yellow line that shone in the dark night. It was glorious, new, and unyielding in it's certain straightness. 

I wore jeans and a black top, leather boots and a leather jacket. My normal wear of any day. I didn't know why I was walking along the road, only that I knew I had to keep going. I was going somewhere, to see something or find something.

It was pitch black outside and I could barely see the trees on either side of me. Then there was a hill up ahead. I heard a howling sound on the other side and panicked. I needed to get to that howling - quickly.

I ran the rest of the way down the road and up the hill. It was steep but I kept going, kept persisting. I wouldn't stop - couldn't.

Finally I reached the top of the road and looked down. I didn't quite understand what I was looking at. Before me stood a bedroom door. My bedroom door. But, not the one I was used to in Holt's house. No. This door was to my old one. The one I had in Texas. 

Panicking, I looked behind me, wanting to run away. But the road was gone. The trees were gone as well. Instead there was a wall that stretched along either side of me along the hallway that once belonged to that house. I was in the upstairs hallway apparently.

I turned back around and the door was still there, calling out to me to be opened. But I didn't want to open it, didn't want to see what was on the other side - because I already knew. I lived it. Of course I knew. Why was I here?

Still, I couldn't stop myself from opening it. 

I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly to the left, opening it just as slowly. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what was beyond. What I knew was beyond.

I opened the white door and took in my bedroom. It was empty of people, vacant. But everything was still in the same place. My bed still was underneath it's window that was half way covered with a blind. Daylight shined through it, glistening off the mirror on the west wall. My drawers were still under the mirror, some half open with clothes. Tall white closets were on either side of my bed, acting like tiny walls near my headrest. Then, on the east wall was my picture frame collage. All the pictures were of me riding horses, or shooting guns with my friend. A few were of my family, my old pack. They all had smiling faces, holding each other in different situations. Parties, bomb fires, school pictures and gatherings. No pictures of me though. I had a hard enough time back then looking in the mirror, never mind looking at myself in a picture. 

I looked at one of the pictures more carefully. It was a picture that wasn't there before. I didn't put it there, I'd remember if I did. This picture I've never seen before and it was strange because it wasn't really a picture. Well, it was, but it was a picture of a quote. It was a picture of a quote from an open book. The book was called Odyssey. 

It read: 'Or could it then have been some companion, a brave man knowing thoughts gracious toward you, since one who is your companion, and has thoughts honorable toward you, is of no less degree than a brother?'

The quote below it read: 'Of all creatures that breathe and walk on the earth there is nothing more helpless than a man is, of all that the earth fosters; for he thinks that he will never suffer misfortune in future days, while the gods grant him courage, and his knees have spring in them. But when the blessed gods bring sad days upon him, against his will he must suffer it with enduring spirit. For the mind in men upon earth goes according to the fortunes the Father of Gods and Men, day by day, bestows upon them.'

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