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Chapter 19 - Providence

I waited outside on the front porch for Mason to pick me up. I was dressed and ready in less time than I thought. Lisa had come over and helped me figure out what to wear. Granted she wanted me to wear a dress and I told her a firm 'no'. She just dismissed it and made another outfit that included shorts. Then I wore a black tube top with sequins that were a little itchy against my arms if I didn't hold them out from my body. I got used to it after a while though. It was Lisa's top that she let me borrow. She figured I wouldn't have anything fancy and she was right. Not that I really wanted to dress fancy, but it felt nice to dress up a little for one night. I was so used to wearing clothes that were either ripped, covered in dirt, or soon would be. 

Lisa left after she helped me, saying that she didn't want to eavesdrop. I told her she could stay if she wanted but she declined, saying she was going out with Ryan anyways. I loved the way she talked about him. Did I look that happy when I talked about Mason? She told me to call her with details afterwards, though, saying she'd never forgive me if I didn't. I laughed and told her I would. 

This was my first date, like, ever. I know, hard to believe, right? Well, my father kept me busy and terrified enough that I never could get close to anyone. I was afraid of what my father might do to them. I kept to myself at my old school because everything was just easier that way. And I never thought I'd ever grown to love someone, and I didn't want to date just to 'date'. I was waiting for the right one I suppose. 

Mason was the right one. No doubt in my mind he was. Granted he didn't know everything about me yet, but as I thought long and hard on my porch, I figured now was a good time to tell him. We would be alone and I felt safe with him. And, now that I knew the truth about everything, I found it easier to admit even to myself. It was still painful as hell, so I didn't want to ever have to explain it to him again or have him start asking questions that I didn't want to answer yet. I wanted to tell him on my own terms, and only say what I felt comfortable with right now. So I planned on telling him tonight. 

After the date, though. I don't want it to ruin the mood or anything. I wanted to have some fun tonight too. Wonder where he's taking me?

Just then I heard Mason approaching, but it didn't sound like his Jeep. It was a grumbling sound that was throwing me off. What was that?

I stood up in curiosity and my jaw dropped when Mason came into view.

"No..." I whispered in amazement, walking down the stairs. Before me stood Mason, hot as he was, the bike he was sitting on was making my mouth water. I wanted that! It was a true classic. That must be Hank's old bike. Nothing that old and well maintained around these parts anymore.

 Man did he look good though! He was wearing lose, dark jeans with a crisp black t-shirt. Everything clung to his body perfectly and I couldn't help but swoon a little. 

Never thought I'd be going out with the jerk who smirked... I laughed internally at my original judgement of him. He wasn't a jerk at all. He was completely opposite of a jerk. How could I be so wrong about him?

He got off the bike and rushed to my side. "Your cast?" he looked down at me worriedly as he held my hips as if I would fall. 

I shook my head. "All healed."

"How?" his eyes glistened in the moonlight. His green irises bore into mine and I just really wanted to kiss him right now.

I shrugged. "Don't know. Just is." I looked over to the bike. "It that your dads?"

He nodded, grinning. "I knew you'd appreciate it. If it wasn't for you he wouldn't have let me take it out."

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He nestled his head into the crook of my skin, inhaling my scent just as I was doing to him. I could die smelling this scent and be perfectly content with life. Everything was perfect already and the night has barely begun. 

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