The Day the Earth Moved

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@Mille-Feuilles thank you for the suggestion to weave the earthquake into the story. I think we have forgotten, and we shouldn't, five months later that awful day yet they are still dealing with the aftermath.


"I don't know Serkan, the palace does seem like something I want to do but we're just so far from Istanbul. By the time I finish the project the baby will be due," sighed Eda.

He knew his wife. She wanted the project but she hated being that far from home, "Antep isn't the end of the world honey but I would never tell you to take something that you don't want. If I'm being honest I worry about you traveling so much while you're pregnant."

"I do too. I think I'm going to turn it down and make a recommendation to someone local. This has been a long trip and we're both ready to come home. When will you be home love?"

"Day after tomorrow honey. I miss you. How are both our babies?" Serkan settled down on the hotel bed. He missed Eda. It had only been five days but it was five long days.

"I took Kiraz to see the pistachio farm today and then we got to go into the tasting room. Serkan your daughter might have to change her name from Kiraz to Pistachio, she loves the little nuts. And the baby has been easy on me. Oh, and don't forget we go next week to find out the gender."

"I can hardly wait and thank you for letting me find out."

Eda chuckled, "Like I can turn you down love. Oh I wish you were here so much. I miss being in your arms and even though I brought your shirt with me it isn't the same."

He sighed, "I know Eda it's the same for me. Maybe anne can watch Kiraz for a few days and you and I can go up to the mountain house and have some alone time. I miss my wife. I miss holding you too baby."

"I should probably stop doing this, I'm making myself cry Serkan."

"You're tired baby, why not turn in and get a good night's sleep. Just call me in the morning okay? I love you Eda, tell Kiraz I love her too."

Eda sniffled, "Yep, definitely crying love. I miss you and can't wait until you're home. I love you so much. Kisses until I see you in two days. Good night love."

"Good night baby, sleep well. I love you."

With a kiss to Kiraz's forehead Eda whispered, "Daddy called to say he loved you sweet girl. He'll be home in a couple of days."

Eda pulled the blanket around them both. It was chilly today and tonight it had gotten even colder. The February temperatures in Istanbul were so much more moderate than in Antep. Eda feel into a deep sleep dreaming of her love.

She was woken from a sound sleep by dogs howling outside. Gracious, Sirius never did that. It sounded like wolves. Eda had gotten out of bed to look when she felt the first tremor. An earthquake, she knew that this region had been hard hit before. She got her slippers on slipped her phone in her pocket and reached for Kiraz as the tremor intensified.

Kiraz woke screaming, "Mama, mama, the earth is falling!"

"I know baby, it's an earthquake. Here, put your coat on and your boots, we have to move," Eda helped Kiraz quickly get into her coat. She grabbed her purse and backpack, draping them over her shoulder and kicked off her slippers stuffing her feet into her boots. Eda swept her coat and a blanket from the bed into her arm before heading to the hallway towards the stairwell. The alarms were blaring in the hall. Eda picked up Kiraz, wrapping the blanket around her, and made her way with the few hotel guests that had come out of their rooms.

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