Stolen Memory

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Well off to 101! This is a suggestion from @AnnaKulanova about a young Serkan and Eda getting into trouble at a post-graduation party. I made a few tweaks Anna, hope you don't mind, and no, this is not an amnesia AU, but definitely AU!


"Come on Eda, Ceren said we could crash the party. So what if it's a bunch of rich kids," begged Melo. "Besides, the boys will get one look at you and not care how much money you do or don't have. It's me that will get tossed on my butt."

"Hush Melo. All you have to do is open your mouth and everybody begs you to stay because you're so funny and easy to talk to. I guess we can go for a little while, but no drinking. If Ayfer smells alcohol she will kill us both and you know it."

Eda Yildiz and Melo Yucel lived with Eda's aunt Ayfer and had since they were five. Eda's aunt had a low tolerance level for just about anything and alcohol was one of those things. It could have been because Eda's parents were killed by a drunk driver years ago, or that Ayfer's dead husband had been an abusive drunk, but anyway you looked at it, she tolerated no alcohol. Both girls lived in fear of Ayfer, with good reason, her punishments were legendary. It didn't matter that they were both eighteen. Ayfer ruled with an iron fist.

"You have your trust Eda, you could always move out."

"I know, but it isn't that much money and I have university coming up. It's only a few more months and then we are gone. Just don't screw up Melo." They were both headed to university, Melo to study marketing and Eda to study architecture, they were living with their friends Ceren and Fifi in a house off-campus that Ceren's family owned. Eda had earned a full scholarship to university while Melo's parents were paying for hers. She did have a trust fund from her parents, but Eda didn't want to spend that money unless she had to.

Both girls worked in Ayfer's flower shop after school and on weekends to make extra money. Eda had started when she was twelve, Melo when she was sixteen. Eda kept her savings hidden from Ayfer, not that she didn't trust her aunt, but she had plans that didn't include the woman once she graduated from university.

"Hala? Melo and I are staying at Ceren's tonight. We're ordering pizza with her and Fifi. Do you need anything before we leave?" Eda called up the stairs.

"Just make sure that you're at the store by eight tomorrow morning. Don't stay up too late." Ayfer called down.

"We won't." Eda pushed Melo out the door before her aunt could think better of letting them go at all.

Melo grumbled the entire way to Ceren's, "Truly Eda, do we have to work every day of summer break before we head off to university?"

Eda tried not to laugh in Melo's face, instead she rolled her eyes, "Where do you go next week Melo? And for how long?"

"Sorry Eda," Melo said a bit ashamed, she was going home to Mardin for the next month and would return for two weeks before heading off to university. It was Eda that was going to be working full-time not Melo.

"No worries, Melo, she's my aunt after all, not yours. What did you bring to wear to the party?" With Melo's attention redirected back to safer topics, the two young women headed to their friend's house.

Ceren greeted them at the front door, "So, you were able to escape Ayfer's clutches I see. What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?"

"I'm opening the store at eight, lucky me," said Eda, Melo nodded sadly behind her.

"Seriously Eda? Ayfer couldn't get off her ass and open the store herself? It is her store after all."

"I'm not even going there Ceren. I have two more months living under her roof before I move out. Just let me get through that. Changing subjects, what do you have that I can borrow to wear?" Ceren had an extensive closet that she frequently lent to Eda.

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