Lie For You

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@MariaAngela948 Suggested a different reveal of Eda after the five years. . . . . . . I may have thrown a little bit more in too.


His eyes were deceiving him, they had to be, that couldn't be Pyril sitting with Eda at the outdoor restaurant in Bebek Park. The two women had their heads close together, looking at something on one of their phones. The car honking behind him forced him to move. Serkan Bolat drove in a state that wasn't shock or grief, it was both.

Tolga took the keys from Serkan's unresisting fingers, "Sir? Are you alright?"

Serkan didn't respond to his question but Tolga was used to that, the man hadn't been right in years, but today he had a gray cast to his skin. Tolga called after him again, "Sir?"

Engin would know where Pyril was he headed to his office and waited for him to get off the phone, "Where's Pyril?"

Surprised by the rather abrupt tone, Engin answered slowly, "She was having lunch with a client today. Why?"

Serkan closed Engin's door, "Since when is that client Eda?"

"What? What are you talking about? She was having lunch with the team that we're working on the Towers project with."

"I saw her and Eda at lunch Engin, my eyes work perfectly fine and I would recognize Eda," he swallowed hard, "I would recognize Eda anywhere."

Engin knew that Serkan wasn't given to hallucinations, if he said that Pyril was having lunch with Eda then that was what she was doing. He didn't understand. Pyril knew how Serkan had been struggling without Eda, but then only he knew why Serkan had broken up with Eda. A drunken confession and a heartbroken man confiding in his best friend about why he had sent away the only woman that he had ever loved or would ever love.

If Pyril was meeting with Eda it would explain a few things. Serkan wasn't supposed to be in town, "When did you get back?"

Serkan was pulled out of his thoughts, "An hour ago, we're dropping the job in New York. I refuse to spend the winter in Minnesota. What was Pyril thinking when she planned on sending me there for five months?" He got up and walked out of Engin's office.

"Are you feeling well? Your color is off Serkan," Engin called after him. Serkan ignored Engin's question and headed upstairs to his office. It was a logical question for a man who had been diagnosed with brain cancer five years earlier, but it wasn't cancer that was the issue, it was his heart. Serkan had found out a month earlier that the chemotherapy had lasting effects on his aortic artery and he would need it repaired. Right now Serkan didn't know that he cared enough to have the surgery done.

Pyril hugged Eda, "I can't believe that we get to work on a project together. When are you going to be in Sile permanently?"

"I already have a house, there's a smaller guest house on the property so Efe is going to stay there for a while and you know that Ayfer and Melo are going to want to come along." Pyril had made a face at the mention of Efe.

"Are you sure that he's just your cousin? He seems awfully touchy Eda."

She laughed, "Yes, he's just a cousin. He's been a tremendous help over these past five years, you know that."

Her friend didn't return the laugh nor did she share the same belief that Efe Akman was a help to Eda, "I can't keep sending Serkan all over the world now that you're back in Türkiye, it isn't fair to him. He's in New York now and then is supposed to go to Minnesota for five months, it's slowly killing him. For the past four years I have been sending him across the planet for you just so that you don't run into him. Eda, hiding that he has a daughter isn't right, you have to tell him. Regardless of the fight or the reason behind it, he has a right to know that he has a child. Remember you tried to make him be with Selin when she lied and said she was pregnant? That was based on a lie, but this isn't."

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