The Brat

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Definitely an AU, a different view of Eda and Serkan from the beginning.


Familiarity bred contempt and Serkan Bolat had plenty of that for Eda Yildiz, the spoiled little snot had gone too far this time. Eda and Serkan had pulled pranks on each other from the time he was seven and she was six, but this was the first time that one of them had gotten hurt. Serkan didn't think that Eda's canoe sinking in the river counted, she could swim, or when he loosened the rungs of her tree house and she fell from the ladder, she didn't break anything. Serkan getting thrown from his horse because of a burr under his saddle and breaking his arm was too much for the groom to ignore and eight-year-old Eda was punished.

Engin told him about it, "She got whipped by a birch branch, her aunt was really mad. The housekeeper had to stop Ayfer, she kind of lost control. I overheard our housekeeper talking to the Yildiz housekeeper."

Nine-year-old Serkan snorted in disbelief, "Tall tales Engin. If she laid a finger on her I would be surprised." Serkan would be surprised to learn that Eda couldn't sit for almost a week and the welts didn't heal on her back and buttocks for another four weeks. All he knew was that he was free from the brat for the rest of the summer.

His mother had heard of Eda's misfortune and, while she was unhappy with the trick that she had played on Serkan that saw him injured, Aydan was worried about Eda. Her aunt Ayfer, who occasionally watched Eda when her parents traveled, was heavy handed with the punishment. The young girl was starved for attention and playing pranks on Serkan and Engin was her way of getting it. Little Eda adored Serkan and Engin, always wanting to do what they did, the pranks were her way of fitting in. Aydan had stopped over to visit Eda but was not allowed to see her, she was confined to her room. A fate worse than death for an active young girl.

As the school year drew closer, Ayfer convinced her brother and his wife that Eda was too wild and that she should be sent to boarding school to learn manners. Her harming the young Bolat boy was a perfect example of Eda's bad behavior. Ayfer never mentioned that Eda had been the victim of Serkan's pranks only that he was a continual victim of hers.

When school began, Serkan and Engin were surprised to see that there was no Eda Yildiz in school. The rumors were flying, the most common one was that she was sent to a reform school. Serkan thought that it was hysterical. All Serkan and Engin really knew was that they could now put their riding gloves on and not have itching powder in them, though the last pack of gum that they chewed must have been from Eda since their teeth turned black.

Eda Yildiz would finally get what was coming to her, Serkan announced to Engin as he spit out the black foamy toothpaste. He said it with the naivety of a nine-year-old and had no idea what he was talking about. If he had, he might have kept his mouth shut because Eda didn't deserve the punishment she was receiving.

She had been sent to the infirmary three times in the first month. The fourth time Eda said nothing when the nurse asked what happened. She said nothing because Eda had no idea, she had been found in the bathroom on the third floor in a pool of red water. Red, because her head wound had stained the water. Eda said nothing to anyone, not even her parents, especially her parents. She was so angry with them for allowing Ayfer to choose this hateful place. All they cared about was their next vacation, they had no time for her, they hadn't had time for her in years.

Eda was allowed to come home from London for the summer. She wasn't sure why she bothered, her parents weren't there. The only positive thing in the whole summer was that Ayfer was ill and didn't come to stay at her house. It was Eda, the housekeeper Anit, and the rest of the staff. She helped out the gardener, Anit's husband Yusef, and did the shopping with Anit, it was one of Eda's better summers.

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