All I Want For Christmas is You

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Just a little something fun for Christmas!


Eda Yildiz had a lot of misgivings about the ArtLife ski trip the first one being that she really wasn't the best skier. It wasn't like she had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth like the partners, Selin or even her friends Ceren and Fifi. No, she and Melo had grown up in Istanbul, not the skiing mecca of Türkiye. When it was proposed as the company outing she originally begged off saying that she had a client presentation that weekend and then the client canceled. Now her excuses were dwindling.

"Of course you're coming Eda, remember we have a contract?" Serkan reminded her. Eda closed her eyes and counted to ten. The contract, always the contract. Just once could he want to be with her without the stupid contract? But no it was all about breaking up his old girlfriend and her fiancé Ferit.

"If I don't go you would have that much more time with Selin to win her back. I'm sure that you're a far better skier than Ferit. Dazzle her with your skiing. You don't need me for that," Eda suggested. She didn't have the stomach to watch him spend a second of time with Selin Atakan the spoiled rotten bitch that worked for ArtLife as their Public Relations Director. Eda had been on the receiving end of her viperous tongue on more than one occasion and was sick of it.

Serkan was sick of Eda reminding him about spending alone time with Selin but then it was his fault for mentioning the contract every other breath. He knew that he was an idiot. When Serkan met and argued with Eda at a University function four weeks ago sparks flew. He had never met a woman like her. He was enchanted but very afraid that Eda was anything but enamored of him. So he came up with a pretend engagement contract when he goaded her into kissing him in public. Serkan didn't care that Eda kissed him, his only complaint was that it was in public and not in private. Aside from the all to brief kiss at their engagement several days later the kiss had not been repeated. It was his hope that this weekend they could dump the contract and make their relationship real.

Eda had managed to graduate as an architect without the ArtLife scholarship. She was just so angry it had been pulled that when she saw Serkan Bolat at her graduation event she couldn't help but confront him. Eda didn't know he wasn't aware that the scholarship had been pulled. He also wasn't aware that she had been turned away by people at ArtLife when she had come to the offices to talk to them about it.

It was luck or fate that they had hired her as an architect on her own merit but at the post-graduate event five weeks ago Eda finally approached Serkan about her scholarship again and the argument ensued. Serkan didn't see her again until the whole team was present at a large client meeting two days later and the fireworks continued. They had been off to the side, the previous argument continuing, oblivious to the other people in the room. Neither was sure who initiated it but without any thought to the people or press they found themselves locked in an embrace, and not just any embrace, the kiss was unlike anything that Serkan ever had. Eda was sweet and spicy, her taste drew him in, consumed him, he wanted her alone, he wanted her forever.

Serkan Bolat confused Eda, he made her lose control. When he kissed her she wanted nothing more than to drown in his taste, coffee, spices, sin, sex and him. Not that she knew anything of the sex part but he lit a fire within her. Admittedly she lost her mind at the presentation. Eda didn't know if he reached for her or she reached for him but she didn't want to let him go. Only the loud clearing of voices and the flashes of cameras finally recalled them to their surroundings.

Holding Eda closely in front of him to hide his arousal he made an embarrassed laugh, "I guess you caught us. Eda and I hadn't planned on announcing our engagement yet but it looks like we are now."

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